Feelings - Strength

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When the lights are off, all the scary shadows appear. I close my eyes in order not to see them, but they enter my mind and sink deep into my soul.

They enter my dreams and turn them into dark nightmares. When the lights are off, all I can see are the unfolding secrets of the heart. All the painful scars of time return as the sky grows darker. I try to run away from this darkness phantom. I try to approach the light but I can‟t find my way. “Hang on” I tell myself…”Don‟t give up…Be strong…You‟ll get through soon”

“Yes indeed I will” the voice of strength replies. I take my hands off my ears to hear the voice of the howling wind that awakened all the voices of the dead shadows. I opened my eyes to see the dark phantoms of fear and the dead souls of pain.

“I am not afraid…I will face you all” I said out loud. Then suddenly I could find my way through the darkness without any light…I can find my own way now. “Walk my angel…I am walking with you. We‟ll walk on this path together.”

Is that the voice of my guardian angel I hear? Yes it is, “Yes I will face you all. I am not afraid of you.” Suddenly I smell the dew of the morning on my window. I get up, put the mask of joy on my face, and walk out of the door towards a new old friend…STRENGTH…

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