L E T T E R: 2

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LE T T E R: 2

"And in the end we are just a generation

of fucked up kids with broken hearts

and scars on our wrist." -Unknown

Dear Aiden,

You got mad today.I have never seen you mad and to be honest, I don't ever want to see you mad again. It was terrifying. How you yelled at that boy. He was bullying Leo and called him an 'anorexic freak' and you turned around and yelled at him. You called him an ignorant asshole for even thinking it was okay to bring up a sickness to bully someone. How he had no right to do that to anyone and should be ashamed to even call himself human. When he laughed and called you a 'gay faggot', you turned red. You punched him dead in his face. You broke his nose. He wasn't worth that Aiden. He wasn't worth losing your anger over. You are better than he is. You are better than all the names they can call you. Plus, even if you are gay, what does it matter? As long as you can love yourself, it shouldn't matter what the fuck other people say or even think about you. Hate should make you feel better about yourself. It means someone is taking time out of their day to talk about you. It may not be positive but they are still doing it. You should feel good for getting hate. It means you are doing something right.

xx Rein

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