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AN:/ hey guys, I've decided I'm going to rewrite superwoman and make it into a supernatural kind of story. Most of the characters I had planned for superwoman will stay the same but some won't be able to fit into the story line. Troian will have a psychotic mother and no known father. She will meet some of the characters along her journey to open up the 6 doors. Lucy Hale, Ashley Benson, Keegan Allen, Tyler Blackburn, and Drew Van Acker will be close characters to Troian. I hope this will be a story that will spark an interest in someone. Please support me as much as you can. Thankyou
Kisses :* :* :*


Memories. They're precious. So precious that we've done more than just cherish them. We've captured them so that they are forever. May the memories be good or bad. We capture them in a device, print it and then put the memory behind a frame to be hung on a wall or placed on your drawer.

But what if those memories were burnt, or were floating in a flood. Would they be gone or would we just do what we've always done. Cherish them in our minds and our hearts.

But what if you lost that too. Your brain wiped blank and your heart only beats. No memories, no awareness. 

That's how I woke up that day. Unaware of even the year I woke in. Groggy and thirsty I lifted myself with one hand while the other reaches my head. My eyes widen when I feel something soft on my forehead. I blink acouple of times trying to put myself together but I couldn't. There was nothing to put together.

I looked around and realized I was on a bed, and my whole body was attached to some tubes. What the hell is going on? Where am I? Who am I?

Four walls, three doors, one window. I slowly pulled out all the tubes and jumped when one of the tubes made something beep too fast. A door swings open and in steps a petite lady. Brown hair surrounded her small face. Her hazel eyes widen as she stares back at me. She takes a step forward and I started to feel threatened so I move back slowly.

"Don't come any closer" my voice is hoarse and low but it was loud enough for her to hear.

"Troia-" she kept creeping. I guess it was reflexes that reached out to a desk and picked up three needles.

"Hey Troian, it's me. Mom. I'm not going to hurt you"

My eyebrows furrow and I stand moving further away, one hand with the needles pointing at her and the other clutching the other needles tighter.

"Who's Toiran"

"You. That's you my dear. It's Troian actually"

I stiffened and jump slightly to scare her, she jumps a little "don't correct me."

She sighs and stops moving forward. "You wouldn't throw those at me."

"Oh yes I would" no I wouldn't.

"Ok shoot" she says indefinitely and I stare at her like she's crazy. Well so am I, it's only a needle. I swing the needle and it reaches her neck. She yells and falls to the floor, I approach her and push in the medicine. She looses consciousness and I bite my lip taking out the needle. I walk to the door and leave her laying there limp and lifeless.

The exit led to a flight of stairs, one step at a time I followed suit down the stairs. I don't know what I was doing when I threw that needle. My head questioned but my heart didn't care, I had no remorse. When the stairs ended, there was three doors to choose from.

I take a deep breath and clutch my stomach stepping into the first room. Pots and pans neatly stacked on a clean kitchen sink. Everything seemed so put together, yet it felt wrong. Like it's not the way it should be.  Or the way it usually was.

I turn around to face the stairs again and I walked through the second door. This room was colder, as soon as I entered my feet touched the cold tiles on the floor. It was clean too and the same distinct feeling that it was all wrong just came back. There was a sink with a mirror on top of it. I walked towards it and saw someone.

Startled I jump and turn around to see no one. I turn back and realize it's only my reflection. Long black hair fell down my back neatly, like it was just brushed. My eyes were puffy, I looked like i'd been crying non stop. There was a white cloth on my head with red spots. My hand reaches out to touch it, that's when I saw a trickle of blood on my arm, must be from removing those tubes. I looked at my other arm which was holding the needles and noticed the same thing. How come it doesn't hurt.

I focused back on the unfamiliar face, my skin was really pale with rosy cheeks and a pink chipped lips. Everything felt wrong. Not able to stand my sight I turned around and walked out of that room and into the last room. This one was disheveled. Just the sight of it made me feel better. The couches were turned in separate directions, a glass table in the middle was broken. And there were pieces of clothes and broken cups everywhere. What the hell?

There was a desk with scattered files that intrigued me. I walked to the desk and saw that the files were all on me. Pictures of me scattered all over. Feeling the need to read, I sat on the chair and started on the top file. I scanned and scanned. My name was Infact Troian. Troian Bellisario.

There was so much more to read but I didn't feel safe. Everything was telling me to run. So I collected the files I saw and turned startled to see another door in the room. I opened it and found it was just a closet. A duffle bag was on the floor, I opened it and saw that there were clothes in there. I stashed the files and grabbed the bag also stuffing the needles I still held in hand.

There was also a purse in the closet which I opened and revealed a clatter of things. Medication, scissors, clippers, papers, passports, and most importantly money. I stashed the purse inside the duffle bag and closed it shut. I peeked outside the room to see if that woman had woken up.

No sign of her. Was she dead. A guilty feeling circled me but I didn't let it effect me, I stepped out and walked through a corridor that lead to a garage. There were a couple pair of shoes on a rack. I grabbed a pair and quickly pulled them on. They felt tight but I didn't have time. I had to get away from this place. I felt unsafe and there was an endearing feeling of horror that played at the back of my mind.

I didn't seem to remember anything, not even myself. All I could do was count on instincts. If I walked out of here she would catch up to me. There was a bike and a car. I grabbed the bike since the key was already on it. I wheeled it to the door with all my strength and pushed it till the door burst open.

The daylight stung my eyes but I adjusted. Strapping the duffle bag into the bike, I pushed myself on it and fidgeted with the key till the motor started.

I had no idea if I could drive it but it felt right so I just pressed on the gas. A thrill hit me when it moved and I steered it towards a road. Smiling at myself, I looked back at the little cottage house and shrugged.


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