the apartment

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After you decided to go with Alex you began to get ready. Mostly because you heard of her friends but you never meet them.  Wanting to make a good impression you decide to wear your black Pierce The Veil tank top with your high waisted white shorts. You weren't that talk and you had very pale skin. For a 17 year old your self esteem was very low. When you heard a honk outside you quickly went to the mirror to check if you lavender hair looked okay. "Still as emo as I'll ever be says normal humans." You giggle. Then the door opens and you hear your ridiculous blue haired friend  yell. "Hey hot stuff you coming or not!?" and "Umm sorry for barging in Shannon insisted!" Alex politely said. You walked down stairs. "Hey umm Shannon did you just call me hot stuff?!" You smirk. Shannon grabs you by the waist. "Ugh whatever let's just go... Not stuff." She went on. Wow I really don't mind Shannons unknown sexuality but she is very flirty today. "Nope she's mine!" Alex pulls you away from Shannon and hugs you. Wait what!? You thought.
You shrugged off the confusing thought and finally got into the car and drove to Bryans.


Sorry if you didn't like this chapter I just decided to make it a different flirty kinda thing. And sorry again I have major writers block I'm gonna at least squeeze in another chapter today.

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