Wait what?!

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After the very awkward argument between your two best friends fighting over you in the car you guys finally made it to Bryans. You guys walked off the car and up the stairs and to the apartment door. Okay this is it your gonna hang out with 6 people and your two best friends. Don't embarrass yourself! You thought. You knocked at the door. Almost immediately after you did a blonde guy you assumed is Bryan looked outside and quickly pulled you in while you pulled in Shannon and Alex in the apartment that was unknown to you. "Hello you must be that friend of Alex's?! My name's Bryan." He said. "Well we are just getting set up so please take a seat I'm Jordan by the way." said the guy with spikey Brown hair. And with that you took a seat next to a guy with pure blue eyes and black hair. He's kinda cute, you thought. "Umm hey uh my name is (y/n) I'm Alex's friend." You said shyly. Just then his blue eyes looked up from his phone and gazed into your (eye colored) eyes. Shocked you jumped back a little bit. "I'm sorry did I interrupt something?" You question. Just then like in a trance he snaps out of starring. "Oh uh no sorry just umm nothing your just so cute." He looked down embarrassed. "I'm Johnnie." You giggled and blushed at how shy he was and then everybody got ready to meet you. "Oh excuse me gorgeous you must be (y/n) so you mind if I sit here I'm Jeydon hehe." winked a light brown haired pale boy. "Oh not at all." You then moved closer to Johnnie so that Jeydon would fit. Just then Bryan walked in and say on the other couch with some blonde and brown haired boy with a black beanie on. I guess he must've noticed your stare because he ended up waving with a small smile and snapping you out of your thoughts only for your cheeks to turn red. "Oh Kyle by the way this is (y/n) okay great now that everyone is introduced and settled I think we all should just hang out or maybe play a game?" Added Bryan. "Yeah a game would be great!" Shannon said. "Okay what game?" Alex asked. "I think we should play 7 minutes in heaven!" Said Jeydon looking at you with lust.
"Hey maybe another game!" You added with red cheeks. "Yeah I think truth or dare would be great!" Johnnie answered and put his arm over your shoulder. Where did he all the sudden get confidence?! You thought. And just as you were about to say another game the rest of the friends agreed.
Oh god what did I get myself into?! Truth or dare with a youtube collab group?!

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