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I was in class not really caring what the teacher was saying. All I could think about was Genesis and I hoped that she was ok, I wonder what was wrong with her today. I'm pretty sure it has something do with her boyfriend who else could it be. Somehow seokjin come into my mind, I wonder if he has any friends every time I see him, he is not with anyone he just reading a book so maybe he doesn't have friends in school. Maybe I can try and become his friend who knows what would happened, not say that he might even like me. What the hell am I thinking I don't even know if he likes man or if he likes to be around other people, I hate is, I hate the fact that I don't know much about him it makes want to ran over to his class and ask him to tell me everything about himself. Me thinking about him made me realises how crazy I was for him. How someone fall for someone who he never talks to or even knows that well, I hear the teacher call out my name once and didn't really play much attention to that, someone open the door when the teacher called out my name for a second time.

"Namjoon what are you doing looking out the window"
he said as I jumped up from my sit and everyone looked at me even the person staying at the door, when I realised who it was I was so embarrassed.

"I'm sorry sir it won't happened again"
I said and the person at the door was Seokjin and he came in to see me get in trouble, he looked at me and by that time I really wanted to die. Why did he have to come at this time, why did he have to see me get in trouble.

"Oh Seokjin sorry Namjoon is being weird, sorry you had to see that"
the teacher said as he kept his eyes on me as I sat back down.

"Oh that's ok I'm sure he was just thinking about something or someone, it's happens to everyone"
he said looking at the teacher. I remember at that time I was thinking of how cool he looked as he was saying those words. For a second I thought he gave a little smile as he looked at me and then he turned back to the teacher.

"Well I'm hoping he can put his head together and forces on what I teaching him"
the teacher said looking at Seokjin.

"Well yeah I guess your right like people always say listen to your teachers they are always right but what do teachers really say, people need to go to school and study hard because as all the teachers say they are teaching us what the real world is like, I still don't understand where in your life will you have 5 different classes where you have to due in homework, teachers this days huh"
Seokjin said looking at me while giving me a small smile and then signing at what he said. Everyone laughed at what he said mostly because is was the truth.

"Right of course many teachers told me about you seokjin, we have a nickname for you it's called the boy who likes to talk back at his teachers but that doesn't matter right now. So Seokjin what's bring you here are you done with your homework that was overdue because of your mother.......... "
SeokJin went quite when he hear that and didn't say anything he just looked at the teacher with eyes that said go to hell.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean too."
The teacher said as Seokjin looked back at the ground with sadness in his eyes.

"It's okay I think everyone knows about it by now, but yes here is the homework I needed to finish thank for your time"
he said in a soft toned and giving the teachers the papers in his hands and then leaving the room looking kinda down.

"We'll class let continue with the lesson and Namjoon i'm happy that you are friends with Seokjin that's good I'm happy your helping him go through this hard time in his life"
the teacher said as he put down the homework Seokjin had just given him. I had no idea what he was talking about, one I do wish to be friends with him but I'm not and two what does he mean by helping him through this hard time in his life was he sick or something. Aah man I wish I knew what was happening with him.

I wasn't sure why Seokjin was upset when he asked about his mother I couldn't help but be mad at myself for not knowing anything about him I want to get to know him but how would I do that when he's one year higher than me and the group of girls are always around me making sure of whatever I do. Maybe one day I will be able to talk to him like friends. I wish for that day as my hurt calls out to him.


Wow, I've noticed that a lot of people have seen it and some have even voted and I would like to say thank you to the people who voted and have read this crazy story that somethings makes no sense, but I'll tell you something I'm weird so mostly this story shows how my Brian works haha, anyway I'm sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, I'm not good speller and sometimes I miss out some words I'm sorry if I did and if I didn't then that is good, anyway bye for now
And I will see you in the next bye bye~


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