I Like You to the Moon and Back

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Okay, so a neeewwwww story; the first one in a while that isn't a  fanfic xD

hope you like it!!! :D VOTE COMMENT FAN INBOX CRITIQUE -- whatever floats your boat PLEASE :)


"Would you like fries with that?"

That's all it took and I was hooked. If her sweet, vibrant voice hadn't done me in, her crystal blue eyes, perfect smile, and willowy build would have had me for sure. How could there be someone as perfect as her? How mean and unfair could God be? Not that I minded. I could stare at her all day, but I really didn't want a restraining order, so I coughed, buying myself some time to catch my breath.

"Ya. Thanks." I managed. She nodded, smiling widely as she walked away.

"Ha! Pathetic," said a voice beside me, shaking his head. I shot Matty a look, but it didn't last long- being angry took too much energy. Plus, he was probably right.

good ol' Matty. And by "ol'", I mean I had met him a few weeks ago at my job and we had struck up a sort of friendship. We hung out with each other after work sometimes, grabbed lunch together; but that was about it. We were buds for company more than because we really liked one another. That's not to say that Matty wasn't a stand up guy- because by all means he was! Friends just weren't...a possibility for me.

"I must have looked like such an idiot." I said, melting into my hands. I sighed, rubbing my head. Darn. I couldn't believe my first impression to this girl would be so bad. First impressions were the most important; or so the cover of the Seventeen magazine I had seen at the grocery store had said- right under that it said it had all the tips for the perfect summer stomach. Pfft, perfect had so many flawed definitions these days.

When she came back with our order, I tried to be myself, and it worked a lot better than trying to seem "cool". She had even smiled my way once. I took that as a good sign and memorized that beautiful face , refusing to let it ever go.

We strolled out of the small diner half an hour later, having just eaten our fill of greasy burgers and crispy fries. Betty's diner was definitely the best in town, no matter what people said about its shady location and greasy food- the place may not have had class, but the cook was super nice and the food was great!

"Oi! Mr. Chipper, get in my office kid." Stanley, my boss called over to me. I lifted my head out from under the car I had been working on, waving a wrench in reply. i heard his office door click shut again, and I got up and tried to get most of the grease off my hands and arms, which was never an easy task.

Mr. Chipper. That's what everyone at work calls me. Not that i mind per say; but it strikes me as odd. I had never had a nickname before, and I didn't know if it was a sign of affection or just simply making fun of me. Probably the latter, but I didn't care- if being too happy was all that they could find wrong with me, I was okay with that- God, knows that's the least they could say against me.

I had taken this job when I had first gotten into town; it had been the first place on my list and they had hired me on the spot. I had never been a machanic before, but it hadn't seemed difficult really. Fix some cracked windshields, repair a dent, change some oil. Matty had given me a lesson on the basics and I had faired pretty well. This would be my third week here, and though it was fairly boring and I could think of a thousand better things to be doing with my time, this was the only one that paid any real money.

I opened the door to Stanleys office, the "M" in manager peeling off the door.

"Sit down kid, we gotta talk." Oh shit- well that was never a good sign. What if he thought I was the one who ate his egg salad sandwhich last week and that's why I was getting canned? He reallly liked his egg salad sandwhiches, and Stan was known to be more than a little grudging when it comes to his food. He once found a guy eating his yogurt, and tried running him over with his car... (he really REALLY likes his yogurt).

"Listen, I don't even like egg sala-" I began, shaking my head which was making my hair fly all over the place- I was too poor to afford a hair cut, too uncoordinated to do it myself.

"What? No, i already kicked Lenny's ass over that. I just was trying to tell you that I need you to work less shifts for the next little while. Business isn't flowing, and I can't afford to staff you, but I can't afford to let you go- your a good kid and I'll need you in a few months. Sorry." He said, shrugging sympathetically.

I was happy and sad at the same time- I wasn't getting fired over the sandwhich. That was good. I could already barely afford rent and food, less hours...so that was bad. I nodded.

"No prob Stan the man- I'll figure it out!" I said, smiling wide.

And I would! So what I had a few less bucks to work with- I could pick up another job somewhere in this small town, I was sure of it. No need to stress the little things. There was plenty more important things than mula- I knew that for sure!

"I had a feeling you would say that Chipper- I don't think I've ever seen you without a smile on your smug mug." He chuckled, waving me out of his office. I laughed as I left- what a nice guy. 


two weeks later*


I might as well be fired. My eyes bugged out of thier head when I saw my latest paycheck. Shit, I could go to a restaurant for more than this. I needed a job- bad!

I shoved the paycheck in my back pocket and got my kiester moving- I didn't even have the money or resources to print a resume, which made me chuckle as I walked down the street. Some woman who was walking towards me clutched her purse tighter to her side, looking at me like a I was physcho- which made me snicker again. 

I loved small town prejudices. If no one knew you, you were a serial killer- automatically. Or in this case, I guess she thought I was a theif. Silly small minded people- I bet if I was gay I would be hanged. I'm not...well, I don't have  a sexual preference- I love people for people, but it still upset me when people hated others for such small reasons that honestly had nothing to do with them. Who CARES who someone likes? Who CARES if I look like a long haired hobo- I wasn't (yet). Small towns are nice, in the way that they are quiet and friendly- but they get this way because they shun everyone who doesn't belong out. 

And in my books, everyone belongs, everywhere they wanna be.


short and sweet, just to get things started a bit :) I hope it was okay! Please lemme know :D

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