
34.7K 715 44

Thank you to all the editors from "The Editors Club," hosted by oliviarose85, who helped me proof-read this story! (Note: Editing doesn't constitute approval of the story as a whole, only the placement of the commas.)

Chapter 1 - SaturdayDownSouth

Chapter 2, 9 and 12-  EllenFairyblue4

Chapter 3, 4 and 11 - JamesCharles552

Chapter 6 and 18 - Icehorses12

Chapter 7 and 10 - MNJGreenhill

Chapter 8 - ThatOneStowaway

Chapter 13 and 15 - LazyBumClub

Chapter 16 - LmaoThatsSoCliche

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Thanks also to the Let's Grow book club, hosted by beautifully_madelove, for their feedback and encouragement. I learned a lot, guys!

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Thanks to shalonsims for teaching a new writer that flashbacks absolutely do not belong in the first chapter, and for helping me see my character introductions with fresh eyes.

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I'd also like to thank my early readers and commenters for making a new author feel welcome! Thank-you to: lesliemcadam, MissKatey, FallonDeMornay, JericaMac, tiffany_rever, and stox4story.

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If you're reading this and I haven't mentioned you yet, thank YOU for reading this far!

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