Sollux Captor

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You groaned in annoyance as your alarm clock blared that stupid ringtone your best friend john egbert had set as a prank. you where going to change it, but you where a master procrastinator and, well, yeah.

kicking off your blankets, you stumbled out of bed and into the bathroom. you got ready and after getting dressed in your favorite outfit, you stuffed two pieces of toast in a ziploc baggy, grabbed your bag and keys, and ran out the door to your car.

.:timeskip cuz car rides are boring:.

pulling into the gamestop parkinglot, you parked your car and headed into the store. pushing through the front door, you waved to your co-workers nepeta and jade and headed to the back. changing into the uniform(if you dont know its basically just a black t-shirt with the gamestop logo) and signing in so you werent late.

you walked to the checkout counter and waited, while jade and nepeta assisted the few customers that where there. the bell rang signalling that someone had entered the store. looking up you saw a troll with wearing 3D glasses and holding a game. "welcome to gamestop, can i help you with anything?" you asked, trying desperately not to sound as bored as you actually were. "yeah, thith game ith broken, i tried to ficth it already but it didnt work tho im bringing it back" he replied looking annoyed. you nodded as you took the game and dropped it behind the counter for later inspection.

looking up at the troll you asked "do you want another copy, or your money back?" he glanced around the store before answering "ill jutht have my money back, i dont feel like being dissapointed by another one of your crappy games," you just sighed rolling your eyes at the trolls rudeness and pulled $40 out of the register. handing him the money you mumbled " have a nice day sir" before nepeta ran over and pounced on you. "AGH! nepeta what the hell?!" you yelled agitatedly while trying to push the cat like troll off of you. "ahhhhh!" she squealed as she hopped off you and jumped in circles happily "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD! you two would be ADORABLE together! I SHIP IT SO HARD!!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

"nepeta! be quiet your causing a scene!" you whisper yelled at the troll who had (thankfully) quieted down. "and what do you mean ship it? just explain please" you said exasperated as you glanced at the troll who still stood there holding the $40 you had given him. "what do i mean? i mean you and sollux would be the cutest couple ever!" she grinned as she grabbed your arm and pulled you towards the troll who you assumed was 'sollux'. " nepeta thatth ridiculouth, we barely thpoke two thententhes (sentences) two each other" sollux said glancing at you then glaring at nepeta. nepeta just grinned evilly before whispering "it will be canon, just you wait," before dissapearing into the shadows.

"how in gods name did she even do that? and for obvious reasons, im questioning whether or not we should be scared" you said mostly to yourself but to your surprise sollux answered you."well nepeta ith pretty weird with all of her thupid thipping thit" he said "yeah well, i just wish she'd stop shipping me with random people. thats the 13th time this week!" you exclaimed. sollux laughed and you smiled as you turned walking around the counter. "anyways that game you brought back happens to be one of my favorites, and ill give you a free copy IF and only if, you let me play the game with you," you said smirking slightly. sollux returned the smirk as he answered "alright deal, give me your adress and ill pick you up on sunday." smiling you nodded as you pulled out a pen and paper. scribbling down your adress and your phone number, you handed him the paper and grinned saying "im keeping the free copy until then though, dont need you leaving me behind and playing the game by yourself," he laughed as he walked out the door, and you had a smile on your face for the rest of the day.

"it will be canon" nepeta whispered to her self as she watched you two talk.


hey there! im actually pretty proud of this one, i hope its as good as i think it is, and i hope you enjoy it! i worked really hard on this one so yeah! bye ~ winter

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