The Girl Who Lived...Through Draco Malfoy - Chapter 1

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My name is Quendalyne Luna Marvosa Pierce, but most people call me Quendie. Like Wendy, but with a 'q'. When I was little, my parents died and I was adopted by Kelly and Francis Pierce who were wonderful, loving parents. They supported me in everything I did, whether it was playing an instrument or painting my room some crazy color because I wanted a change.

So when I was 11 and an owl came crashing into our living room one night, announcing I'd been invited to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, they were more than happy that their daughter was a witch. They accepted it with open arms, helping me to find everything I needed, even if they had no clue themselves. My two muggle parents, which I learned was what non-wizards were called, even walked me to platform 9 3/4 although they couldn't go through it with me.

I walked through the portal, stopping on the platform on the other side. I looked up at the giant train, the smoke from the smoke stack floating down around everyone running around. I walked to the nearest door, leaving my trunk with the pile of others, and climbed aboard the train.

I walked past compartments, all filled with laughing groups of kids. I looked for one that was empty, or at least not filled with a group of strangers.

Finally I found an empty one, placing my bags in the storage space and taking the seat next to the window. I watched as people shuffled by my compartment, glancing in then walking past.

Suddenly a group of boys stopped in the door, glaring down at me.

"What do you think you're doing here?" The blond haired boy asked with a disgusted look on his face, his eyes a deep gray that seemed to glare into my soul. The two boys behind him looked almost identical: big with black hair and baby faces. One looked mad to see me and the other was looking off into space.

"Sitting..." I said, confused.

"Well you're in our compartment so get out." The blond haired boy ordered, his two friends laughing.

"I'm sorry, I don't see your name anywhere." I raised an eyebrow.

"It doesn't need to be. My name is enough for me to claim any compartment I want." he smirked.

"And yet I still don't know it." I smirked back.

"Obviously because if you did, you wouldn't be so quick to talk." he hissed. "You're just another first year in way over her head. Why don't you go back home to mummy and daddy?" his friends laughed again.

"Oh, good one." I rolled my eyes. "Why don't you just run along instead of trying to intimidate someone who's obviously not afraid of you or your two goons?" I gave him a big smile, watching as he walked away in frustration.

I swallowed hard, my heart beating in my throat.

"That was brilliant!" A brown haired boy with dark eyes ran in, his goofy smile occupying almost all of his face.

"Excuse me?" I looked at him confused.

"Sorry, but I was in the compartment across the hall and I couldn't help but congratulate the person who told off Draco Malfoy." He exclaimed happily.

"Who's Draco Malfoy?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You're joking, right?" he paused, then smiled again. "Oh, you're a first year. Wow. That makes you even cooler." he shook his head. "A first year told off Malfoy. You'll go down in history!"

With that, he ran off and I could hear him telling everyone in the other compartments. I could hear laughing and some gasps until it faded away. Was it really that amazing to tell off a brat like that? I felt like he needed to be told off, so I did. Was that really that great?

The train ride was long and all I could think about was that blond haired boy and how rude he was for no reason. Hopefully the rest of my time at Hogwarts wasn't as insane as the first ten minutes of my train ride.

My heart was pounding in my chest as I sat down on the stool, the sorting hat placed carefully upon my head.

"Bravery, intelligence with a hint of danger...I say, Gryffindor!" I smiled and walked as fast as I could to the Gryffindor table as everyone cheered.

I sat next to a girl with purple hair who smiled back at me. Her name was Delia and I'd met her on the ride to the grounds from the train.

Gryffindor. The house I was hoping and praying for and there I was. I couldn't help but have a huge smile plastered on my face all through dinner.

I walked with Delia to our common room, following Professor McGonagall up to the highest tower in the school. As we walked through one of the hallways, a red headed boy bumped my arm, turning back to apologize, but instead giving me a goofy smile, his face turning a shade of pink.

I smiled back at him, Delia practically squealing as he turned back to his friend.

"Someone likes you!" She laughed. I turned to her with a confused look.

"What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He was totally blushing when he saw you." she smiled at me, making me smile back. "If he looks back, you have yourself an admirer." she winked.

I watched the red headed boy talking to his friends and, as if right on cue, he turned back, blushing again then going back to his friend.

"And he's a second year, too." she said almost with a hint of jealousy.

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