The Girl Who Lived...Through Draco Malfoy - Chapter 22

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Normal POV

Our week off went by too slow for my liking. Draco had gone home and I missed our secret encounters. We had been getting pretty serious and I wanted to tell Delia everything. Maybe not about the birth records, but at least about me and Draco. Maybe when he got back I could talk to him about it; about making our relationship public.

It had been two weeks since the break and I hadn't seen Draco at all. He was never in the Great Hall, in Snape's classroom, or anywhere in the castle. I missed him and I had started to get worried.
"Did you hear?!" I looked up from my book. Delia stood at the edge of my bed, her face pale and her eyes worried.
"What?" my heart started beating faster.
"Umbridge is head master now!"
"What the..." suddenly a loud voice echoed through the halls and dormitories.
"All students to the Great Hall immediately." Delia and I looked at each other, my stomach churning. We sat at the Gryffindor table, everyone’s faces pale and confused. Umbridge stood at the front, a plastic smile on her face and an ugly pink outfit on. Draco stood off to her right with his goons behind him and Pansy at his side. Were they together again? Was that why he was avoiding me? My heart sank even further and I could feel a pit opening in my stomach. I stared at the table, focusing on the grooves of the wood and fighting back the tears that stung at the backs of my eyes. The room was eerily quiet as everyone took their seats, no one daring to say a word.

“It has been the decision of the Ministry that I, Dolores Umbridge, become the new head master. It seems your old one had fallen in with many questionable activities. And so, as your new head master, I have declared a ban on all student activities. Curfew is now 7 o clock sharp and any student caught out of bed will have detention with me.” I heard gasps from some of the students. The rumors going around of detentions with Umbridge were enough to make anyone shutter. “If I hear of any questionable activities, my Inquisitorial Squad is here to enforce my rules.” Draco looked around the room, his face smug. “You are dismissed.”

No one stayed around to hear anymore. We all rushed to our dormitories, whispers echoing through the hall. I couldn’t even imagine what the rest of the year would be like. Draco was avoiding me and Umbridge was going to make life a living hell. And on top of all that, Voldemort was still out there and could’ve possibly known I was Harry’s sister. I’d never felt so sick in my life. My stomach was in knots and my heart was aching. I just needed to sleep and try to push everything out of my mind. If that was even possible.

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