1 | Meet "ME"

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Hi guys, my name is Lee Hyeri. 17 years old and single. I study at Kirin School of the Arts and major in computer programming and vocals. Yeah, I know I'm a singing nerd. Of course I do the regular subjects, I mean I am still a normal student but here at Kirin School of the Arts you can major in certain subjects just like Uni.

I'm bubbly, well was until I started being bullied by my so-called friends but no hard feelings. I don't really know why I get picked on because to be honest I don't think I've done anything bad to anyone but I can handle them, better me than some other weak student who might decide to kill them self if they can't handle it. My ex-friends didn't really seem like they wanted to be close with me, more like close to my money. Yup, you guessed it I'm rich, my parents are anyway.

My dad is the owner of a huge entertainment thing, I think it was called SMent or something. I'm not ignorant I just don't really care about what he does but apparently he produces singers and kpop groups so I should probably do my research on that since he is my ticket to my future, if that fails then i can always be a computer programmer.

I like to take photos of things be it portrait, landscape or whatever, as long as I like what i see I take a picture of it. I take my camera with me anywhere by the way because I never know when I might find something I wanna snap a photo of. Photo on top if you're curious as to what i look like. My brother took that btw. He's an actual photographer and I guess I started liking photos because of him. His name? you'll find out soon enough 😜

I'm an avid fan of Exo but not to the point where I follow them whenever, wherever. I ain't no damn Sasaeng, BUT I do show support. I don't really have a bias because it's impossible to have just one bias in Exo. It's just completely Impossible.

I never really wore glasses until the end of middle school because my vision started, going bad. It's hereditary. I guess that's one of the stupid reasons my friends left me 'cause they didn't want to hang out with a nerd. I was smart to begin with but they liked me better when I didn't wear my glasses. Well what can I do? I don't wanna walk around blind and no way am I putting pieces of whatever contact lenses are made of in my eyes. Don't even say that I should know what they're made of, just because I'm smart doesn't mean I know everything. Gosh.

I love food particularly fried chicken and also some good old bubble tea. And no I didn't like it because of Kai and Sehun, I liked it way before I even knew they did.

I like the colour black and I'm pretty monotone in terms of the way I dress so it's only every so often that you'll find me in anything brightly coloured and if I am wearing anything bright it'll most likely be maroon, white or grey. I don't like cucumber but I do love anime. I'm not the best dancer but I can work on it. I'm not a musical prodigy but I can play a few instruments only because my parents practically forced me since I was little.

Oh yeah, I'm very forgetful, and I love bubble tea. Anything else about me you'll find out in the story. oh, oh, wait! I forgot to mention that I'm mixed. My dad is Korean and my mum is Australian. I speak both languages seeing as I always travel back and forth the two countries 6 times a year and mum isn't the best in Korean so I have to have conversations with her in English but she tries her best in korean.

And I think I'm done. Some other stuff about me might be revealed in the story. Hopefully.

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