2 | It's just one of those days

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm beeping telling me that it's 7:30. Damn I hate waking up early. I hit the snooze button of my alarm clock that sat on my bedside table. I picked up my glasses and started getting ready for school. I didn't really need much makeup on, just a little bit of this and that which is why I wake up at 7:30 with only 30 minutes to get ready and get to school and I tell you, I am never late nor am I ever early. I'm always just on time.

"Mum~ Have you seen my camera!" I yelled from my room on the second floor. By now clothes and shoes were all over the place. I panick when I don't have my camera near me.

"Yes, dear. I knew you'd forget where you put it or even charge it so I took the liberty of charging it for you last night. It's in the room I always charge it in!" She yelled from the kitchen.

"And where is that exactly?!" I yelled again.

"In your studio!" She yelled back.

"How about instead of yelling to each other you talk face to face! You're disturbing my sleep!" I heard my dad shouted from his room.

I went to the said place and found my camera charging safe and sound. "I got it!" I yelled for the last time and headed down to the kitchen to where my breakfast awaits me.

"Here pancakes, now go eat it in the car or you'll be late." Mum rushed me and pushed me to the door with a pancake hanging from my mouth and a plate on my hands with some more pancakes.

"Ummm koween, umm koween! Sheush!" I mumbled with the pancake still in my mouth. I headed to the car and the driver drove to the school while I continued eating my breakfast.

"We're here Miss." Dojoon oppa, my driver said.

"Ne~ Thanks a lot" I said while sprinting out of the car and into the school grounds. I reached my locker and finally released a sigh of relief. I gather the stuff I needed and put what I didn't need inside the metal compartment and calmly headed for class. As soon as I walk in I see numerous paper balls and gum all over my table. For fuck sake! I took my seat and placed my camera right beside me as usual since school began 4 days ago.

"Oh my god do you think she uses that camera to take photos of us when we're in the change room?! Ewwww what a fucking pervert." I heard Minah whisper loudly to her seat mate. Of course she did it on purpose but she can go fuck herself. As if I'd take pictures of any of your bodies. We all know that most of the girls in this class, not including me, have undergone boob jobs. I'm
all natural and I'm proud of it

"She probably is a byuntae with those big glasses of hers." Seolhyun, the girl next to her said.

Think whatever you want. Whatever is inside my camera is worth more than your nose job. The teacher came in and everyone finally shut up. Finally.

"Who can answer this question? Any volunteers?" Mrs. Kang said with her cheery smile. Obviously no one put their hands up and so...

"Lee Hyeri-ssi come up and answer this please." I knew it. I fucking knew it. I stood up as soon as I was called and headed for the board. A few feet tried to tripped me on the way but having an athletic body helps in situations like these. I answered the question on the board and waited for the teacher to nod in approval.

"Very good. As expected of the top student of our grade." She praised causing some students to snicker and scoff at her comment which Mrs Kang and I both decided to ignore. I headed back to the same trippy path and sat back down on my seat earning a few annoyed gazes from my "classmates".

Lunch came around and I was sitting on an empty table by myself Yuri, my no.1 ex-friend came over to say hello just like the past few days with her tray of food. "Oops" she says while covering her mouth and pretending to be shocked. She wasn't playing sorry just shocked with a wide smile on her face. I was now covered in her food with everyone laughing at me. "Hyeri-ah I didn't see you there. Maybe I also need to get my eyes checked." She laughed and trotted away with my other ex-friends who were now known as her "posse". Seriously what is wrong with wearing glasses.

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