Light Bender

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{Some Ladynoir}

Adrien/Chat Noir

'Where is she?' I thought to myself as I dodged another one of Sabrina's light flares.

Sabrina had been possessed by an akuma, and I'd already figured out that the evil creature was in her glasses since it was her only accessory, but I needed Ladybug to get rid of it.

"I'd say your aim is purrfect." I teased Light Bender-which is what she was calling herself-as I easily dodged another one of her attacks. "But then I'd be lying."

Light Bender growled, pulling her face into a nasty grin. "You're an annoying little cat, you know that?"

I shrugged, doing two back flips to get out of her line of fire. "So I've been told."

Sabrina's Light Bender getup consisted of a midnight purple leggings underneath a purple and black frayed out skirt. She wore a black shirt that had a purple sun design underneath a bright white jacket. She wore knee high white boots and her hair was now in a pixie cut, purple and streaked with black. On her cheek was another purple sun tattoo right under her left eye, and her glasses looked like the galaxy. Her iris's shone a purple-gray.

"I like the claw-stume." I continued on, placing my hands on my hips with a smirk. "Get it at Party City?"

Light Bender hovered in the air, her heavy eyeliner-ed eyes narrowing into a glare as she formed fists at her sides.

"Enough chit chat, you stupid cat!" She yelled and lifted her hands to the sun.

I frowned, dropping my arms. "Guess she's sensitive about Halloween costumes." I said before turning around on the roof I was standing on and dropping down to the side, in order to block the sudden bright beam of light that was directed at me.

I could hear sizzling and my eyes widened when I realized that the light was so bright it was dissolving the building, making it's way slowly towards me.

"What now?" I muttered aloud to myself, unsure of what to do. Ladybug usually comes up with the plans.

"Aw." I heard a familiar voice tease from above me and glanced up to see Ladybug hanging upside down from her yo-yo which was caught on the roof. "Is the poor kitty stuck?

I grinned at her, thinking about how adorable she looked smirking at me while hanging upside down. 

"Well, not anymore..." I smiled and she rolled her eyes. "Wait, what took you so long?"

"Oh, uh..." she gave a sheepish smile, scratching the back of her head with one hand. "That's not really important right now." She decided before doing a small flip to land upright next to me on the windowsill, her yo-yo coming back down to her.

"Wa-" she yelped a bit, stumbling as her foot slipped from the windowsill. I smirked, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her back up again.

"Gotcha." I whispered and she gave me a look, poking my nose.

"Now's not the time, Chat." She said, like usual. "We need to figure out how to get Sabrina's akuma." She stated matter of factly.

"It's in her glasses." I informed her, to which she nodded with a frown on her face, thinking.

I couldn't help but to think about how cute she was with her thinking face on. The thought brought a small smile to my face.

"Well, I guess there's only one thing left to do." She said and I knew what she was thinking. 

I kept one arm on her waist as to not let her fall as she reached for her spotted yo-yo.

"Lucky Charm!" She shouted, throwing the yo-yo upwards.

Down came a hardback book, landing in Ladybug's hands. I frowned, as did she.

"A book? What am I going to do with this?" She asked herself.

"I don't know, but you better think of something fast, or we're going to be dust." I warned her, hearing the sizzling sound coming closer.

I watched as she observed her surroundings before a smile took over her features.


"Um, I think you mean purrfect."

Ladybug rolled her eyes at me and ignore my comment. "Think you can distract her?"

I grinned. "Of course My Lady. That is my forte, after all." I agreed before letting go of Ladybug and jumping up, landing back on the roof and quickly rolling away from the harsh light.

Light Bender cackled, moving the beam so it followed me as I jumped and avoided it, dissolving the building behind me as it went.

I used my pole to move farther down the row of buildings until I heard a grunt and the light disappeared.

I looked back to see that Ladybug had found a way to knock Light Bender from behind with the book, and grinned to see that when Light Bender turned around with an annoyed look on her face, Ladybug's yo-yo wrapped itself around Light Bender's ankle and the teen girl was pulled downwards fast.

I quickly made my way over to see Ladybug's earring beeping as she dodged a light flare. 

"Chat!" Ladybug called. "The glasses, hurry!"

"Got it!" I called back, quickly making my way over as the two fought until ending up beside Light Bender, grabbing her glasses, and tossing them to Ladybug.

The black haired girl broke the pair of glasses over her knee and out flew an akuma.

"No more evil doing for you, little akuma." Ladybug said, opening up her yo-yo. "Time to de-evilize!" She called, swinging her yo-yo forward in order to capture the butterfly.

I watched with a small smile on my face as she let the new butterfly go with a smile and a wave.

"Bye bye, pretty butterfly." She mumbled before turning around and walking over to me.

"Pound it." We said at the same time, though when our fists connecting I uncurled my fingers and clasped her hand in mine, quickly pulling her to me.

"Chat, what are you-" She began but I stopped her by planting a quick kiss on her cheek, stepping back with a smile when I saw the blush creep up onto her cheeks.

"Until later then, My Lady." I said, giving her a salute before running off, leaving her to stare after me.

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