Sunny Days

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"Ladybug, don't!" I called for my companion.

I watched hopelessly from where I was tied with rope to a pole only feet away from where Ladybug stood, surrounded by a ginormous flock of dark butterflies.

The insects, when all crowded together like they were, resembled a dark and frightening storm cloud. As if  it could shoot a lightening bolt in a matter of seconds whenever it pleased.

And the lightening bolt was coming, right for Ladybug.

"I have to!" I barely heard her shout back over the chaos. "It's the only way!"

I didn't notice nor care too when tears began streaming down my face, my cries and pleas going unheard.

I watched with horror in my heart as Hawk Moth's amuka's overwhelmed the one that I loved, and he laughed as they did.

Ladybug screamed, out of pain or fear I wasn't sure, but the next thing I knew I could see her foot slip as she backed up the farthest she could go.

And she fell.

Right off of the Eiffel Tower, the Akumas going down with her, encircling her like they were bees and she had disrupted their hive.

I tried to run forward, to save her, but my restraints wouldn't allow that and I was forced to watch as Ladybug's screams were cut off when she reached the bottom.

I swear I could hear the sickening smack as her body hit the pavement, and I stared at the red dot that was her, lying still on the floor way below me. 

The tears streamed down my face in silence, and after a few seconds I gave up, crumpling against the pole I was tied to in a quietly sobbing heap.

I drew my shoulder's forward as I heard the tap of Hawk Moth's shoes while he approached me.

Even with my head down and my hair hanging over in my eyes, I could still see his feet.

The man's light hearted chuckle made me want to scream even louder than I had when my first and only love had fallen to her doom.

"This is what happens when you play with fire, Chat Noir." He spoke calmly, leaning down in front of me and grabbing my chin harshly so I had to meet his cold eyes.

I formed a glare and narrowed my eyes at the man.

"I'll kill you." I promised the villain.

I'll kill you...


I was holding her hand with my eyes closed, sitting on a white plastic chair next to her hospital bed.

The sound of the monitor beeping steadily was slowly taking away my sanity, though most of it was already gone anyway.

It had disappeared when I saw her go over the side of the Eiffel Tower, and I had almost lost it when I finally got down there only too see Marinette lying in a heap on the floor with bruises covering her body and her arm bent at an awkward angle.

"I should've known." I whispered to no one in particular. "I should've known it was you, was so obvious."

I rested my head against her small hand lightly, sighing. "I'm an idiot. If it weren't for me, this never would have happened." I felt my eyes well up with tears again, and I let them. "I'm the worst companion ever and it's all my fault-"

"Adrien." I heard a quiet voice whisper and my eyes shot open, I lifted my head to see Marinette gazing over at me with a soft smile across her features.

She gave my hand a weak squeeze before untangling her hand from mine and lifting it to my cheek. I just stared at her in astonishment.


" shouldn't say those kinds of things, ya know." She met my eyes. "It's not your fault, Adrien."


"It was my decision to go there. It was my decision to face Hawk Moth." She looked away. "I'm sorry. I didn't even consider your opinion, I just...I just wanted to see him."

"Don't do that, please." I begged. "Don't take all of the blame. I could've talked you out of going, but I didn't. If you want to blame anyone, blame me, but don't blame yourself."

She smiled and her eyes fluttered closed. "Okay..."

"Marinette, I want to tell you something that I've wanted to say for a long time." I spoke slowly.

"Hm?" She hummed. "What is it?"

I stood up and leaned over the bed. "I love you, Marinette." I softly pressed my lips against her forehead.

But then I felt her go still beneath me, and the heart monitor no longer had a space in between beeps.

My eyes widened in fear and I stepped away from her, letting go of her hand and watching as it went limp while hanging slightly off of the mattress.


No, she can't leave me...not now...

A small smile was left on her lips and my mind went blank until I slowly turned my head to look outside the window, ignoring the nurses who quickly ran into the small white room.

The blinds were pulled up.

The sky was a clear crystal blue, just like Marinette's eyes had been a moment before, and the sun was shining brightly, just like her personality.

But now My Lady is dead.

And that's why I hate Sunny Days.






So that just just wanted to say that I based this idea off of a miraculous ladybug comic that I saw about an hour ago and I'm not sure who originally drew the comic, but it made me cry.

So I decided to give the comic a background story, and...this is what happened...



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