Friendship Bracelets

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{Adrienette One-shot}

Marinette had been sketching all day.

Earlier that day in school, everyone had been passed a two sided flier that told about an event that you could enter and showcase your clothing designs.

As soon as the bell had rung, Marinette had grabbed her bag and fled out of there, barely even waiting for Alya to catch up with her before leaving to go sketch.

She was currently sitting on bench that faced one of her favorite monuments in Paris, the Eiffel Tower, with a sketch book and pencil in her hands.

It was her time to prove to not only everyone else, but most importantly to herself, that she had the talent to be an actual fashion designer one day.

She'd been sitting out here for hours, her legs crossed Indian style on the bench seat and her hand starting to cramp up from drawing so much, and she's been so engrossed in what she was doing that she didn't notice how dark it was getting.

She also didn't realize that Adrien Agreste had sat down next to her until she felt him tap her shoulder lightly.

She jumped with a small yelp, her pencil and sketchbook flying out of her hands and into the puddle beneath her feet.

Well...they would have fallen if Adrien hadn't acted quickly and caught them just before they would've splashed in the water.

Marinette stared at her crush with wide eyes, blushing a bit when their hands brushed as he handed her back her items.

"T-thanks." She stuttered before telling herself to get a grip. "You caught those fast." She muttered.

Adrien grinned in a way that seemed to be nervously, lifting his arm to scratch the back of his head.

"Yeah. I have cat-like reflexes, I guess you could say." He laughed awkwardly.

The pun reminded Marinette of a certain black cat, but she pushed the thoughts away and smiled, blushing yet again by how cute Adrien looked when he was nervous.

"So..." Adrien cleared his throat, regaining his 'cool' effect. He leaned over Marinette's shoulder to see her drawings. "Wow those are really good!" He complimented her.

Marinette froze from his closeness but managed to think again as she smiled softly, the blush on her cheeks only proceeding to get redder. "T-thank y-you."

Adrien's hand brushed her arm for a brief second as he reached down towards her sketchbook.

"May I?" He asked permission and she could only nod. He gave her a smile as he lifted the book from her own hands and began flipping through it's pages, a glitter of awe and amusement in his emerald eyes.

"These are awesome, Marinette!" He complimented the sketches again. "Were you planning on submitting any of them to that showcase?"

She nodded excitedly, loosing her nervousness as she began speaking about something that she loved.

"Yeah, actually! I've been trying to come up with some really good outfit designs, but I'm just not getting any of the inspiration I need." Marinette continued to speak with a wide grin. "I usually come here to think, but for some reason it's not working out right today. Do you have any ideas?"

Adrien smiled at her excitement, though Marinette began to be embarrassed again. She really needed to learn to control her babbling.

Adrien then looked back down to the sketchbook in his hands once more before handing it back Marinette.

"Hm. I'm not sure." He seemed to be thinking hard. "Maybe you could design something that had a bunch of different colors and stained glass?"

Marinette thought for a second before her face lit up and she gave a little squeal without a second thought.

"I've got it!" She yelled excitedly. "Thanks, Adrien!" 

"No problem." He gave her a wink, causing the blush to crawl back up to her cheeks again.

Marinette was beginning to think if having blush on her cheeks was beginning to become the new normality for her. At least when she was around Adrien.

"By the way, Marinette?" Adrien asked politely before the black haired girl could start her design.

"Hm?" She looked up from her sketchbook, trying to clear her mind of all the new style ideas in her head for the moment.

"I saw the drawings of those friendship bracelets." A smile tugged at the ends of his lips while Marinette giggled sheepishly.

"Oh...y-you saw those?" She stuttered once more and Adrien nodded.

"Yeah. I really liked you think you could make some for the both of us?" He asked, causing Marinette's heart to do back flips.

She beamed at him. "Of course! What color do you want yours to be?"

Adrien smiled at her. "Well, I've always liked the colors black and green."

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