Replaced {Part 2}

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A/N~ whAT's ThIs?!

An uPdAtE?!?!

 SO, yeah. I decided to rewrite Part 2 (again) because I didn't really care for the other way and I liked this better anyway so yiUP.


It had been months since the incident with Chat and Volpina. It had been months since I gave up being Miraculous Ladybug.

Months since Alya had changed her blog from Ladybug to Volpina. Months since anyone had given a second thought about the black and red suited superhero who used to save this city of Paris.

Every once in a while, I would see a lonely Miraculous comic-a fan-based comic that someone had made a while back-or maybe a Ladybug doll that was missing an arm at a garage sale as I happened to be passing by.

It felt like years.

Years and years of loneliness that I honestly just wanted to forget. 

I wanted to forget about ever being Ladybug, about meeting Chat Noir. I wanted to forget about how I was blind to not only that stupid feline's feelings for me but mine for him.

If I was being honest with myself, I missed it. I missed it a lot.

It seems as if it happened forever ago, but also as if it had just occurred last night. 

Sometimes it hits me hard. Sometimes I'll just be sitting cross-legged on my bed doing my math homework for the night and then all of a sudden I would be a giant sobbing heap, tears smudging the writing on my papers.

I missed the feeling of wind blowing through my hair and the chilly night air stinging my cheeks just a bit as I would use my yo-yo and swing from building to building.

But, there's no use thinking about that anymore. I shook myself out of my rapidly becoming depressed thoughts, and focused on the French essay I was supposed to be writing.

Other than racking my brain in an attempt to think of something more to write, I settled with skimming through the several paragraphs that I'd already written. The essay was on famous points in France, and I was already ahead of the class, so why not?

'The Louvre, today, is one of the largest palaces in the world. It's located in Paris, France, and was originally built as a fortress in the 13th century to act as a defense against the Normans and English. It consisted of a dungeon, surrounded by large, towered walls. The building was actually a-'

I hadn't even gotten halfway through the first paragraph of my essay, when I heard a large heap of books slam rather loudly on the table top next to me. 

My body immediately stiffened when Adrien's shoulder brushed mine as he scooted his chair in, and I couldn't help but instinctively shy away.

A month after the 'incident'-which is what I'm referring to it as now-Adrien had come up to me at the end of school on a Friday, all frantic-like.

He had looked wild-nervous, even. His usually patted down golden locks were messy and sticking up here and there-somehow managing to still look perfect-as he ran up to me, tripping all over himself.

I had giggled, and I remember thinking how it seemed as if our roles were switched since I'm usually the one messing everything up with him.

Adrien said he'd needed to talk to me privately,had told Alya to go on without me, and that I would catch up to her once he was done. I had assumed he'd just wanted notes from French class, seeing as he had come in late that day. However, that hadn't been the case.

He had lightly grabbed my arm and pulled me aside, behind the staircase of the school where I had once been debating whether or not to give him that birthday present.

Anyway, I tugged me aside and I was about to ask him what was going on when he cut me off with the worst thing he ever could have said;

"I'm Chat Noir."

Needless to say, it hadn't gone so well. He tried to apologize multiple times, telling me how he found out it was me who was Ladybug and how he never meant to hurt me. He also stated how much of an idiot he was-to which I agreed-but I didn't let it go much further than his apology.

I ran away from him. I ran like my life depended on it. 

I guess you could say I was a bit disappointed that the boy I'd had a major crush on turned out to be a back-stabbing black cat, but deep down I'd always known it would never work out between any of us.

Ladybug and Chat; Marinette and Adrien.

It just wasn't likely.

I was a Ladybug and he was a Black Cat.

We were polar opposites, and that's how it always had been. 

I was just too blind to see it.

A/N~ Um...ya...

Sorry it took me forever to write this, but I couldn't think of a way to word it. There is a Part 3 updated! :D

Thanks for all the support!


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