Chapter 14

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Emma's POV:
David came rushing into our room.

David: "Emma! Scar is in the castle! He's at the gates, come quick!"

We followed him to the gates. Two guards stood by Scar while Mufasa stood directly across from him. Scar noticed David, Killian and me approaching them. He stared directly at me. Killian noticed this and put his arm out in front of me.

Scar: " this Emma the so called saviour?"

His voice sounded creepy. Almost like Rumplestiltskin's voice but more deep.

Mufasa: "It doesn't matter! why are you here in my castle?!"
Scar: "Well, I do intend to enact that curse...and I do intend to succeed"
Mufasa: "You won't!"
Scar laughed.
Scar: "Because you have the saviour?...her light magic is strong, but it can't stop a curse once it's enacted"
Mufasa: "What will the curse do to Simba?"
Scar: "It will cause him to become very ill...he may even die"
Mufasa: "NO!"
Scar: "Yes...and the only cure is well...the saviours magic"
Mufasa: "But you said she couldn't stop it"

Scar: "She can't stop it once it's enacted, but she can cure it"
Mufasa: "So you won't win!"
Scar: "Unless I kill her before I enact it"
He gave a sickening smile.

Scar: "Kill me?...I seriously doubt that"
Just by looking at Killian's face I could see he was ready to knock him out. I put my hand on his arm that was protectively in front of me.
Emma: "It's ok, let's go back inside the castle"
Killian: "No Emma, he could have information we need"
Emma: "Like what? We know how to cure Simba"
Killian: "Yes but he threatened to kill you"
Emma: "When has anyone ever succeeded in that?...Killian please"
He turned and finally looked me in the eyes.
Killian: "Fine"
He turned to my dad.
Killian: "Watch him"
My dad nodded and we went inside. I could see the anger in his eyes.
Emma: "Please clam down, it's going to be fine"
Killian: "I know, I'm sorry"
Emma: "I saw the look on your face, you were ready to punch him"
Killian: "Cuz he threatened to kill you! Didn't you hear him?"
Emma: "I want nothing more than to just fix this mess and go home, but we can' we have to wait for the mess to happen"

Killian: "This is ridiculous!...we were just starting to get used to things being peaceful"
Emma: "That never lasts in Storybrooke"
Killian: "Let's wait for Mufasa to return, then we can talk about our next move"
I nodded in agreement.

David's POV:
Emma and Killian returned to the castle.

Mufasa: "When do you plan on enacting the curse?"
Scar: "Once I get rid of the saviour...I certainly can't have that brat running around, breathing"

I instantly started to get angry, but I kept my cool.

David: "Mufasa, I think we should just throw him in jail"
Scar: "Now that any way to treat a guest?"
Suddenly black smoke surrounded him and he disappeared. Great, just great.
David: "What do we do now?"
Mufasa: "I have a plan!...lets go discuss it with the others"

We went back into the castle and got everyone to meet in a small room.

Mufasa: "I think I know what to do"
Rumple: "Forget it! I say we kill him...solves a lot more problems"
David: "No!...he deserves at least one chance"

Emma: "Mufasa, what's your plan?...I wanna return home as soon as possible"
Mufasa: "Good, motivation will help"
Sarabi: "Yeah, so would some answers"
Killian: "Can we please focus?!....what's the plan!"
Mufasa: "We let Scar capture Emma"

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