Chapter 16

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Emma's POV:
I entered the cabin. I was told that I had to just poor this liquid in his drink and wave my hand over it. I then reminded myself why I was doing this: for Simba, Mufasa and my family. He sat down, I looked at the drinks he had already set out for us.
Sorcerer: "So, what brings you here?"
Emma: "Um...I was wondering if-if I could spend the night...I need somewhere to rest"
He smiled and nodded. As he turned around I poured the potion in and waved my hand over the drink. It glowed, so I sat back down. He turned around and sat back down. He slowly brought the drink to his lips he was about to take a drink when there was a knock on the door. He put it down and he answered the door. A strange man knocked him out with a rock, he ran in the house and grabbed something off the shelf.

Emma: "Hey!...who are you?"
He turned to me but quickly ran out the door. I closed the door and bent down to the sorcerer. I stood up, I couldn't believe it. Suddenly Killian, Rumple and my dad ran in. I looked up at them.
Emma: "I-I...oh my god!"
Killian walked over and wrapped his arms around me.
David: "What happened?"
Emma: "I was about to-I was about to poison him"
I began crying.
Emma: "But there was a knock on the door...this man stole something"
Killian: "Are you ok?"
Emma: "Yeah...but I almost poisoned him"

The sorcerer started to stir. He jumped up and looked at all of us. He looked at me.
Sorcerer: "What happened?"
He ran over to the shelf.
Sorcerer: "He stole a potion...nothing I can't replace"
He looked back at me.
Sorcerer: "What happened?"
Emma: "I'm-I'm sorry but I lied I came here to poison you in hopes of excusing someone else from a horrible curse"
Sorcerer: "Why me?"
I didn't know what to say because I didn't even know the answer myself.

Killian: "Because you and only you can cure an illness that King Mufasa has, Scar made up a plan to get Emma to poison you so King Mufasa wouldn't get better"
David: "We would appreciate it if you could come back with us to Mufasa's castle so we can end this"
Sorcerer: "Of course"

We started to clear out. It was dark out so we walked in a line with David leading.
Killian: "Are you ok?"
Emma: "I am now"
Killian: "Good, but why would you sneak off like that?"
Emma: "I just wanted to end it...I had no idea about Scar's plan, I'm sorry"
Killian: "It's ok, but I was really worried"
Emma: "I know, I'm sorry...I love you"
Killian: "I love you too"
After a lot of walking we made it back to the castle. Everyone was now awake, Snow ran up to me and hugged me.
Mary Margret: "Emma!...are you ok?!"
Emma: "I'm ok"
She smiled and pulled back.
Mary Margret: "Never, ever do that again"
Emma: "I know, I'm really sorry"

After we said hello and explained the situation and Scars secret plan, the sorcerer healed Mufasa. The illness he had was "hiding", there were no traces of it.
Since we had helped Mufasa he offered us some horse we could borrow for our journey back to our castle. Mary Margret and David were on one, Regina and Robin were on one, Henry and Roland were on one, Rumple and Belle were on one and Killian and I were on one.
I tied my hooded cape and walked over to Killian who was getting our horse ready.
Emma: "Have you ever ridden a horse before?"
Killian: "Yes, many brother and I used to work for the king...we mainly worked on boats but sometimes he would command us to go to villages, which meant we had to ride a horse"
Emma: "Oh"
Killian: "Don't worry I'll help you"
First he climbed on the horse, then he reached his hand out to me.
Killian: "Grab my hand and lift yourself up onto the horse"

I grabbed his hand. I had many attempts but I finally made it onto the horse. I wrapped my arms around Killian and he waved at my dad signalling that we were all set.

My father started going and everyone followed. The sorcerer helped Mufasa capture Scar, then he returned back to his cabin. I was happy that it was all over, it was a nightmare. Eventually we arrived at the castle. Everyone got off there horses and we tied them to some nearby trees.

Emma: "How are we going to fix it?"
Rumple: "I could use a spell that could rebuild it"
David: "Good idea"
Rumplestiltskin stood in front of our castle and put his hands up. Slowly, bits and pieces of the castle started to move back together. After a while, he put his hands down.

Rumple: "All finished"
David: "Thank let's get inside and get settled in, we still need to make a portal so we can get everyone from Storybrooke here"
Rumple: "I'm going to head back to my castle...I'll see if I have anything that can create portals"
David: "Ok"
Rumple and Belle left and we all went in the castle. The last time I was here it was all destroyed, now it was all fixed. It looked nice. My parents have us a tour, it took forever but I'm pretty sure I know every room in the castle now.

The only room we hadn't seen yet was my old room. My parents slowly opened the door to reveal a pretty nursery.
Mary Margret: "Your obviously not going to need a crib so we are going to change that"
Emma: "No...let this be Neal's room"
David: "Are you sure?"
Emma: "Yeah...someone should get to enjoy this"

They gave me sad expressions. I felt bad after I said it but it was the truth. I looked around one more time and turned around.
Emma: "I'm going to go get some stuff off the horses"
I left the room and made my way outside. I hadn't noticed but Killian came with me.
Killian: "Are you alright, love?"
Emma: "I'm fine, why wouldn't I be ok?"
Killian: "Because of the look on your face"
Emma: "I'm ok"
Killian: "Ok"
I grabbed a few items and handed them to Killian.
Emma: "Bring these inside"
Killian: "Ok"

He smiled and walked into the castle. I grabbed some more stuff but suddenly I heard a voice from behind me.
Rumple: "I found a way"
I turned around.
Emma: "To open a portal?"
Rumple: "Yes, do you want to go now?"
Emma: "Yes!"
Rumple: "Then go get your parents, Dearie"
Emma: "Ok"
I ran inside and found everyone together talking.
Emma: "Rumple knows how to open a portal, he said we can go now"
David: "We were just talking about that...we think you, Snow, Henry, Roland and Robin should stay here"
Emma: "Why?"
David: "Because we need people to stay here...we'll be back fast"
Emma: "Ok"

Killian, David and Regina went outside to Rumplestiltskin. I sat on a chair that was nearby. I really wanted to go with them but it wasn't worth the argument.

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