~ Chapter 3 ~

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"Whoa, that was so exhausting!" Bella exclaimed while she let out a huge breath of air and plopped down in the couch.

We are currently in my house now. I couldn't take Bella's constant whining so we only spent like about 45 minutes in the gym. Which those 45 minutes consisted of me actually working out and Bella sitting down complaining how she was getting sweaty. The only exercise Bella did was with her eyeballs because she eye raped so many guys.

"What, why are you exhausted?!" I could not believe this girl.

"Because I did so much work," she let out a dramatic sigh.

"All you did was sit down and watch me exercise and everyone else exercise, half the time you were checking the guys out and I'm pretty sure that's not considered work!" She could be so dramatic sometimes.

" But it was so hard," she exaggerates way too much. I rolled my eyes, which like said I always find my self doing whenever I'm with Bella.

Bella isn't supposed to be her right now, she's supposed to be having dinner with her dads girlfriend and her daughter but she obviously decided to skip and is still waiting for her Dads girlfriend and daughter to leave.

We just sat down and talked about random stuff.

Ding Dong!

Ding Dong!

Ding Dong!

Our doorbell kept on dinging. It better not be those kids playing 'Ding Dong Ditch' because I swear when one of them are supposedly murdered, don't look at me.

I got up and marched over to the door getting ready to strangle someone. I turned the knob of the door, standing in front of me was my ten year old sister, Lili.

Me and Lili looked so alike that whenever we went to the mall people would stop us and ask "Are you guys twins?" and Lili would just roll her eyes and say "Obviously not."

Even though me and Lili looked the same we were nothing alike.

First of all I was eight years older than her and second me and Lili like different things. Lili dresses differently than me. She listens to Justin Bieber and all that crap, while I'm more into Taylor swift and all that.

Me and Lili were the same but different at he same time.

"Can I come in now?" Lili asked with one raised eyebrow. I only learned to raise my eyebrows last week and when Lili found out she wouldn't stop raising her eyebrow to tease me.

"And why do you look like you want to eat me," Lili giggled cutely

Lili waved her hands in front of my face,"Hellooooo? You've been standing there for 10 minutes. Can I come in?"

When I didn't answer, she pushed me and ran inside. I just rolled my eyes and shut the door.

"Oh hi Bella," Lili said in a sweet innocent voice, giving Bella a hug. Lili is obviously the devil in disguise. She's so nice and sweet to Bella and Bella loved that and her.

Whenever I try to tell Bella that Lili is nothing but evil Bella just tells me to stop being jealous. As if.

"Hey Lili, I wish I could stay right now but I better head home. I've been here for quite some time," Bella stated. She got up and headed for the door.

Just when she left music started blaring from my phone signalling that i got a text.

Are you home yet? I'll be back around 7:00 pm. x ~Love Mum

If your wondering why I have my mum down as MamaBear on my phone is because she put it herself and me being the lazy girl I obviously left it like that.

My mums not old she's 36, so she gets all the text language thingy and knows what everything means which can get annoying sometimes. Like last week when she was cooking and listening to Work by Iggy Azaelea she changed the lyrics a bit and started dancing to it. It went something like

I've been up all night trying to get that rich

i've been twerk twerk twerking on my shit...

They're just some things you can't unsee.....unfortunately.

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