~ Chapter 2 ~

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"C'mon," I whined tugging Bella's arm. This is probably the first time in history Bella has willingly asked to go to the gym with me. I was shocked at first but after she explained her reason I totally understood.

"First of all stop tugging my hoodie, this shit was 300 dollars! And second please stop your whining," Bella replied slightly annoyed.

She could be nice some days and bitchy in the other.

She flicked her natural blonde hair with her manicured nails in my face.

I was extremely jealous of her because she had the looks and the money but who the hell spends 300 dollars on a jacket, like what the fuck.

"Bella, your wasting time and your money. That jacket isn't even pretty. Anyways, I have to be home before Lili comes back from her friends house. Now hurry the hell up!" I tugged at her hoodie a little harder causing her to nearly fall over.

That's when I noticed what kind of shoe she was wearing and it most definitely wasn't runners.

"Who on earth wears heels to the gym? Like what do you think a gym is?!" I asked with my mouth hanging open.

"Me obviously! I couldn't wear runners, I look cute in heels!" she argues back, replying as if what she's saying actually makes sense.

"Okay, why couldn't you wear runners though?" I asked confusedly.

"Because they don't go with my outfit and who the hell looks cute when they run with runners!" She gave me the 'duh' look.

Sometimes I wonder how she gets a A+ in school all the damn time because she acts dumb most of the time but she's really smart. Today was obviously Bella's first time in a gym. Shocking.

"Your going to a gym, not a Fashion Runway!"

When will this chick understand that fashion isn't everything.

"Fashion is everything," I swear this bitch is reading my thoughts

Wait did I just say that out loud?

"Yes, yes you did" Bella chuckled lightly, " and you think I'm dumb, bitch please"

I just rolled my eyes. "C'mon let's go!" I tugged her arm again but this time I made sure to tug at it very lightly because if I didn't she'll keep in complaining about how much her ugly jacket cost and how her heel might break. Rich people problems.

They have so much money yet they spend it on useless crap and its spring, who wears a fluffy jacket in spring?! Bella obviously does.

When we stepped into the gym, a wave of fresh air hit me face, it must be the air conditioner.

We walked up the the counter , actually scratch that. I walked up to the counter while Bella strutted in, dramatically, with her heels, acting as if she owns the place. Standing close to the air conditioner, so her hair was blowing wildly behind her. Drama Queen.

In her eyes, everywhere is a catwalk.

I looked up to see that the person behind the counter wasn't paying attention to us, she was busy on her phone.

"Excuse me?" I said politely.

"Excuse me," I said a little louder trying to get her attention but yet again her eyes were still glued to her cracked ugly cracked BlackBerry. Who still uses blackberries anyway but whatever.

"Excuse me?!" Ugh. Bella's bitch mode is now on. I silently prayed for Bella not to make a scene but I already knew my prayers wouldn't be answered especially when it comes Bella's bitch mode. She'll run her mouth like no tomorrow.

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