~ Chapter 5 ~

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I woke up to the sound of footstep coming from upstairs, saying I shit myself would be an understatement. I was petrified. who would be at my house at this time?! Well my mum and dad are forever working, so it can't be them.

Slowly I got up from the couch careful not to wake LiLi up, who was sleeping on my lap. I grabbed whatever weapon I could see first and headed to where the noise was coming from.

As the footsteps got closer, my breathing got heavier. After a couple of seconds I was officially breathing like Darth Vader.

started mentally making my willWho should give my room to? Lili will just wreck it with that ugly colour pink, eh no thank you. So that's her out of the list.

Wait, why am I thinking of my will when I'm in a life or death situation?!

All the lights were off which made it harder to see, right now this feels like a scene out of paranormal activity. I've never watched paranormal activity but someone always dies.

I could see a shadow in front of me but I couldn't make out what or who it, then it suddenly started moving my way. I tried backing up but I forgot I was halfway up the stairs , so I obviously tumbled down the stairs and landed on my side.

"Shit," the intruder person said running towards me.

Oh it speaks.

I can't get up because I fell down the stairs and my leg is throbbing with pain.

Where is my weapon?!

I searched the floor hurriedly for my weapon for about 5 seconds before my hand landed on my weapon

"Stayback!" I yelled pointing my weapon at it but it only came closer.

Whoever this motherfucker is ,obviously failed English if it doesn't understand what stay back is.

"Listen, you better stay back or else I will kill you with my weapon," I tried to say threateningly but obviously that didn't work so I decided the intruder is a deaf illiterate person.

Why didn't ever think of learning sign language ?!

The intruder was coming closer and closer. I stayed quiet because whatever I say, it won't listen anyways so why waste my breath?

The intruder was literally a few foot steps away from me, I shut eyes tightly, silently praying to god to book me a spot in heaven.

But instead of the intruder murdering me like a cow, it walked past me.

What the hell?!

So as well as the intruder being illiterate and deaf, its also blind?!

I felt like getting up and murdering myself for this stupid ass intruder but I obviously didn't do that. Duh.

Suddenly I was blinded my the lights coming from the hallway.

You know that moment when you're used to darkness then some stupid person turns on the lights and it literally blinds you.

Well at this particular moment the lights hit me harder than Sharkeisha slapped that girl.

My eyes slowly adjusted to the light. I made sure to have my weapon tightly clutched at my hand, just in case.

I slowly turned around to face the intruder, which was really slow because my leg painfully sore.

The intruder wore all black everything except his shoes which were all white air max. Judging by its physique, the intruder should be a guy.

The intruder also wore hat and pulled it all the way down to his neck. The hat had three holes, two for the eyes and one for the mouth.

This is the stupidest intruder ever, swear. Who wears a hat and forgets about the nose hole?!

I screamed when the intruder took his hat mask thingy off.

Oh. My. God.



I'l ltry and update bit more regularly.

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-Tinkerbell xo

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 ⏰

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