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Water lapped at the edge of the dock. Gulls could be heard in the distance. The air was salty, the wind chill. Nearly one year had passed since Emil's transformation.
"I dunno, Michelle; I've never told this to anyone else." He hugged his knees tight to his chest.
The mermaid, lounging on the dock, gave him a sympathetic smile. "I won't tell."
He took a deep breath. "I never felt quite right as a merman. I chalked that up to my being a human, but now that I'm back where I should belong, it's not much better. I'm so much younger than Lukas and Andrei, even though I'm supposed to be middle-aged like them. They pretend I'm sixteen. I miss you guys, too, especially you. Damn, I miss you so much sometimes."
Michelle clicked her tongue. "I miss you, too, baby. We should meet more often. Do you want to meet next Monday?"
He smiled halfheartedly. "Yeah. I can't stop thinking of you. Being human was cool at first; I got to live with my family, learn about how they live, and so on, but it's really lost its novelty. I wish-" He sniffed. "-I wish I could just be a merman again. Keep studying. Keep living with you."
"Aw, Emil..." She seemed rather speechless. The sound of waves filled up the silence.
"Francis is a magician; do you think you could ask him to turn me back?" he asked softly.
"Of course, darling! He wants you back just as much as the next man."
"Thanks," Emil said with a smile, "I'll work it out with Lukas." He sighed. "Can I ask you something? Something completely stupid?"
He averted his eyes. "You don't think I'm ugly now that I'm human, do you? Now that I'm who I was born to be?"
"Of course not," Michelle said. "I actually remember from when I was little thinking that humans were monsters, and I was confused as to why Francis took you in. But as we grew up together, I began to realize that humans can be just as nice as us. Nicer, even. You're beautiful either way."
Emil was blushing the slightest bit. "I can't wait to be with you again."
Michelle glanced up at the setting sun. "I should go," she said, "not that I want to." She slipped off the dock and into the water.
"Wait," Emil said. She grabbed onto the dock.
He lay down on his stomach and leaned forward to give her a kiss.
She brought her hand to his jaw, and their lips met. For a moment, the gulls quit calling, the waves quit splashing. Emil wanted it to last forever, wanted the sun to never set, wanted Lukas to never come out looking for him.
Alas, he broke away, gasping for air as their surroundings fell back into place.
"I love you," Michelle whispered before disappearing beneath the waves.

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