Chapter 1: The First Friend

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The moon glittered in the everlasting sky. Water from all around reflected the luxurious moon. The ever so tall grasses danced to the songs of the crickets. This was the last day the ever so cunning Colks would be welcome toward each other.
Suddenly out of nowhere Era called out with great excitement. "Come over here slow poke. I am going to be at the dragon stables. You know I am going to win this time.''
I raced as fast as my two legs could carry me. This was the worst decision I would make in my whole entire life. Out of the glimpse of my eye I saw Era leap gracefully on to his Black Raider Dragon. His dragon was freshly trained with the most beautiful wings on the planet. I as well jumped with a great leap onto mine. The silky smooth scales were almost hugging my tender 12 year old legs. My valiant dragon named Hopscotch was ready for flight. His green scales shone through the moonlight.
All of a sudden Era shouted "Go''.
I responded back yelling "All right you little bragger.''
My heart leapt with excitement as we raced off into the big ocean under the sky. Era and I were neck and neck . The wind was like a cannon ball, launching at my face repeatedly until we landed. Out of nowhere the black raider started to fly in big loops.
" Ha,'' I thought.
He thinks he can beat me. Then I noticed something very odd. The full trained black raider was spraying something that looked like poison. My brain remembered one thing about black raiders.
My science teacher told me that black raiders wings may look pretty, but they are evil creatures that spray poison and if touches a heart, the heart and soul may turn to pure evil.
This was not good, not good one tiny little bit. My heart did a backflip twice as I raced toward the dragon. It's mouth was almost at Era's head. Green spikes sailed through the air. Hopscotch was pounded on the chest. Deep bruises ran down his whole body. Blood trickled down the dragon's scales.The black raider hit my chest and I fell.
I screamed "no" as I fell through the cold dark night.
I fell asleep. I woke back up.
It was warm. The sun glimmered through the trees and sailed down onto my helpless body. What had happened? Was Era okay?
Then out of nowhere an evil laugh spread through the early morning. I took off running. The wretched scream made my stomach not happy. The misty ground was covered in rocks and stones that my unfortunate brother and I used to throw. I was caught from a small wind and was thrown into a big ditch. Suddenly I couldn't stand it anymore. My blue eyes started to tear up in less than seconds. The tears hit a puddle of water. Wait, the water puddle was a tin bucket. Suddenly I heard a tender voice.
"Hello, my name is Noh.''
"Mine is Ecolk.''
The 9 year old eyes glared at me longingly.
''Why are you here?'' I asked longingly to take this kid and take care of him.
He answered trying to hug my ripped robe, I heard an evil voice and we ran like chickens.
"Noh, that evil voice was my evil brother, he was turned evil by a dark dragon yesterday.''
" Oh, that must be very depressing.''
I looked up at the sky and then down at the cold and dirty ground. My hand signaled Noh to follow me. A grand smile appeared on his 9 year old face. He stood on my 2 very sore shoulders. I winced greatly as he jumped on the beaten path above us. This was a problem. How was I going to get out of the dirty and dusty ditch. Noh grabbed my almost grotesque hand and pulled with great force. I was deeply surprised. My wretched body was up and out of the ditch in only a few seconds.
" You have some strength, young lad'' I complemented.
" Thankyou, I have been living here since, forever" Noh said very hungrily.
"You may just be able to become an epic mastermind, a Colk" I told him with great respect. He looked at me with a poker face.
Out of the blue he asked "What in the whole wide world is a Colk."
I tried to tell him a long version from way back when the great wizard Colk was living. Then I realized I should give him a short explanation.
"A Colk is a brave hero who helps anybody" I explained.
"Are you one" he asked very bravely.
I nodded my head. I told him all about my family and about how technically I was born one. He stood still. A huge smile widened on his magnificent face.
"What makes you smile so much,'' my whole body was happy and I wanted to know why he was.
He answered very quickly " Maybe I could be a Colk, because I never saw my parents."
My heart rate lowered. He had never seen his parents, let alone remembered them.
I answered with great passion "Do you want me to train you to become a Colk?"
He answered with so much excitement I thought his head would explode" Yes, yes, yes, yes ,yes"
"Ok, training starts now. You must find some berries in these woods, okay."
He ran off into the day with a big and fat smile. My body knew this was going to be home. Suddenly I felt chilly. "Firewood time" my brain thought. Suddenly my legs were sprinting toward a group of logs. My fingers wrapped around the dark wood. The wood was damp. "Uhh" I thought in my brain. Then I spotted a branch that had almost fallen off in a storm. I sprinted over to the branch that was almost fallen. The branch felt completely dry.
"Score" I shouted to a hummingbird by an old willow tree.
Behind the firewood was another branch, and another. My heart raced with excitement. I had never felt so joyful. Noh and I were not going to die of the cold. Then I heard a crack. A large green bush was shaking rapidly. I was freaked out. I might not die of cold, but I am going to die from a bear or fox. Slowly emerging from the bush was a animal with dirty-blond hair.
" Who's there, " I yelled furiously.
" It's just me" whispered a voice that sounded quite familiar. Then all of a sudden Noh emerged out of the green bush.
"Noh," I said firmly "don't ever do that again"
He laughed and then I laughed. Then we started to giggle and laugh until we just couldn't do it anymore. I smiled as he held out his old tin bucket. The bucket was filled with all sorts of berries.
" How did you get that many berries?" I asked with huge amounts of joy.
He just smiled and realized I had firewood. He stared at my back smiling something no one else can smile. We walked on the beaten path back to where I had fallen.
" Do you want to make a little camp here? " I asked.
"Oh, I certainly would. I will go get a shovel I found on the road a couple of days ago.
" What, you have a shovel? Go get it immediately."
That boy sprinted like he was in a stampede. He jumped up over a bush and disappeared behind a clump of trees.

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