Chapter 2: The New Home

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Quickly I began working on the home we would soon live in. A dark black stick was nearby. I picked it up and began to draw a big circle. I added dots around the circle where had I drawn. 6 dots total were all I needed. Then loud and quick footsteps were all I heard.
I shouted "Noh! Come over here."
Swiftly through the bushes came a fast boy. He carried a wonderful shovel fit for a king. He glared at me and threw me the magnificent shovel into my hands.
"Hey, Noh, can you find 6 sticks that are 4 feet tall?
" Sure thing Ecolk, I'll get started on it right now."
The next thing I knew he was on the beaten path looking for sticks. This was the hard part. My hands grabbed the iron shovel. The ultracool shovel sliced through the dirt with a single slice. The hole seemed to get bigger with every stroke. My hands were covered in gushy red blood and terrible blisters. Suddenly a 1 foot hole was created.
" One more half foot" I sighed grumpily.
Finally after hitting a big rock the hole was complete. A huge hole was in front of me. The only problem was a sharp rock stuck in the bottom of the pit. Suddenly I had an idea. Around me were several stones that I played with before the disaster happened. The stones felt like smooth checker pieces. They seemed pretty sharp and strong. I took them to the big pit I dug. They were perfect for cutting the big rock. Eventually after many sharp rocks the big rock got cut out.
" Whoo, Whoo," I shouted so loud the whole forest could hear me.
Out of the rocks then came Noh. He carried 6 sticks that were exactly 4 feet tall. This boy could do anything. He handed me them extremely gently. They were all cedar wood that was as thick as a dusty old scroll. I placed them firmly on the dots I had drawn. I tied them together with a strong leaf vine. They held perfectly under great pressure.
     Out of a sudden Noh asked, "What is that?"
"That," I replied, "is our almost finished home."
He pondered in his head. I could tell he didn't know what to think of it.
To end the silence I said " This is not our forever home, but it is for now."
Then I quickly instructed him to take the rock I found and kill a harbitt.
He asked " What in the whole wide world is that?
I explained, "It's a harbitt. A harbitt is a creature that has dark skin. They work for deep evil. The harbitts have long spiked tails. They will never give up at all or else."
Noh raced off winking at me and shouted joyfully" My first animal, woo hoo."
Now I needed a fire pit. The big ditch. Maybe the hole. Next to the campsite but not too close. That was it. My hands suddenly got to work in the huge ditch Noh had dug up perfectly. Sadly, I had to fill a lot of it with dirt. When I was done, in the big hole was a huge mound of dirt filled almost a foot tall. I was in awe and complete shock. Had by chance an animal dug it, that was a smart animal. I looked at my dirt filled hands that were dripping with sweat. This was a perfect place.
    Suddenly, out of the bushes Noh jumped and landed right on my face. The pain was as strong as a hippo and the world colliding into each other with great force. He was out of breath and screaming his head off. On his arm was bite marks and gushing blood. His veins were big and  popping out of his skin. He had gotten bit by a harbitt.
    "Did you kill the harbitt" I asked with great question.
    "Yes, but in the process, I got bitten! The bite feels like knives in my skin and burns my whole body." Noh half shouted, half screamed.
    "Did I forget to tell you that harbitts have a poisonous bite. It takes a lot of medicine to get healed from them" I whispered very concerned.
    I gave him some of the berries to eat. I specifically chose the ones that would help him fight off the poison the best. Eventually, the sun began to set. The air felt chillier than it had before. I stood up and grabbed the firewood from the house. I rubbed the pieces of wood together and made a small fire in the fireplace I had just finished. Then, I set Noh inside of the little tent and opened the door a crack to let the heat from the fire come in. I sat outside and thought of the whole day. Last night, I hadn't expected me to fall off the dragon and have my brother turn evil from his dragons bite. This might be the best thing that happened to me, or possibly the worst. I then crawled to in the hut that was quite crowded do to Noh sleeping in the middle of the small room. I pulled some leaves over me and fell straight to sleep.
I woke up covered in a pile of Noh's sweat. His face was red and his head was as hot as an oven. I walked out of the tent. The ground was wet with water from a rain that had happened last night. Soon, I realized that the dead harbitt had been laying around. Luckily, no animals took it while we were asleep. The meat was rotting and was beginning to turn yellow. Quickly, I picked up off the ground and put it on a long pointy stick. The fire had burned out in the night because of the rain. Still, the firewood was dry because the tent had covered it. I started a fire and began to cook the harbitt.
Noh's fever was driving me nuts. He would not wake up and was covered in a pool of sweat. I had to force to feed him some berries just to keep him from starving to death. Eventually, I gave up trying to feed him. I walked out of the boiling tent and into the woods. I brought my shovel hoping to cut down some strong  small trees. When I found my perfect tree to cut branches off, I swung my shovel up against the tree. Not a dent. Then again I swung. Still, not a dent. This was obviously going to take a while. After 9786 swings, the small tree had been cut down to the ground.
    "Yes," I exclaimed almost fainting onto the ground.
    Now was the super duper hard part. I had to take this small log, and turn it into some type of spear/sword.
    I walked out of the woods and into the house area. I found a big, bulky, and flat rock and put my log on top of it. Then, I found a smaller rock for me to sit on. I used my shovels point to carve out the point of a spear. Soon, a spear lay in front of me in it's glory. And there, in front of the spear, lay sweaty, tired, and not so awake, me.
    Inside the tent, Noh started to sit up. He had lived through the poison of the harbitt. I helped him up and brought him the freshly cooked harbitt meat. He ate it and gulped it with great need for food. He smiled and looked around.
    "This is an epic home."

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