What's a halfblood?

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As I arrived at my mom's apartment I smiled as I was tackled in a hug by my mom. I laughed slightly and she hugged me tighter
"You're home early today Mom." I said with a laugh as I hugged her back, the only person in this world that could make me smile so much was my mom, no one else could.
"I worked extra hard just to see you, also I got candy for you." She said with a grin my eyes lit up brighter than the sun and I hugged tighter
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I exclaimed and she laughed
"Calm yourself." She said with a giggle escaping her lips as she pushed me away from the hug, she then reached into her bag and brought out about four bars of snickers, my jaw dropped to the floor as I saw the candy. I hastily took the candy bars and threw them on my bed, hugging her once more.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!" I thought the world couldn't get any better or worse one bit, I was wrong. It happened all of a sudden a boulder the side of the building, our apartment started to crumble, I looked at my mother's eyes one last time before we both fell out the building. Shadows wrapped around me in a protective bubble and my mom fell before me, I fell after few seconds. My mom's eyes closed as she lay on the floor motionless, my eyes fluttered open and I stared at her for few seconds, then tears welled up in my eyes and I ran towards her, shaking her violently.
"Mom! Mom!" I yelled as loud as I could, tears flowing down my face as I yelled. I saw the man in the trench coat and I clenched my teeth standing up.
"You!" I spat out, I could see Kevin standing about thirty feet away. Shadows spiked up around me, impaling themselves inside the man's legs. The man screeched throwing his trench coat away and his hat, revealing one eye. The man I thought was actually a.... a cyclops? I the charged forwards, a sword shaping itself beside me and I pulled it off the ground, the man tried to slam me into the ground but I was too fast, I spun to the side and jumped up on top of his back. I drove my shadow sword into his nape and I backflipped off his back. I felt the sudden energy inside me disappear and I breathed heavily. The shadows supporting me but I soon realized what I was doing and I was thoroughly surprised, first I tried swatting them away but that didn't work and Kevin came up behind me sucking in his breath.
"You're a demigod..." He whispered and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
"A... A what?"

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