Fighting Lessons

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Kevin swept my legs out from under me and I groaned as I hit the floor.
"How are you so good?" I asked with another groan as he helped me up, he grinned  and nodded.
"I've been at this for a long time now."
"That's how you beat Philis down?" I asked with a laugh as I took position once more, this time I was gonna win. Kevin smirked and nodded, then got into his own fighting position. He swung his fist towards my jaw and I caught the hit with my forearm, I then kneed him square in the stomach, Kevin sidestepped and slammed his forearm against my neck, I ducked in time and drove my fist into his stomach and I actually hit him, he stumbled but caught himself and tried to kick me in the chest, he hit me and I basically flew backwards onto the floor. I then rolled backwards and into a cat-like position. I then jumped back and charged him after gaining some distance. I threw a punch towards his nose, he smirked and I knew I was done. Kevin sidestepped the attack, my fist hitting the air where his head was, he grabbed my arm with his left hand and drove his fist into my stomach, which impacted and it hurt, a lot. He then stepped so he was in front of me, my arm was on his shoulder and he judo flipped me. I impacted the ground and groaned once more, he set his foot on my neck and grinned.
"I win?" He asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he looked down at me, I rolled my eyes and nodded
"Yeah, yeah." He then took his foot off my neck and he helped me stand up.
"Anyways, Mr.D is calling you... I don't know why but hopefully I'll see you in a bit." We shook hands and I nodded, I brushed past him and walked towards The Big House. I reached the Big House in a couple of minutes and I glanced around, the wood squeaking under me. I finally spotted a room with a leopard carpet, I walked towards the room with the carpet and I saw a middle aged man with a beard. The man was sipping on Coca Cola and I wagered it had something to do with him being at camp.
"Uhm, I'm looking for someone named Mr. D?" The man looked up, his eyes half closed as if he was uninterested.
"Hm? That'd be me, and I suppose you're the new camper?" He said with a sigh, he then muttered "Great another one...." I then gulped slightly and nodded
"That's me I guess, someone told me that you were calling me?"
"Yes I was, I heard that you were claimed by.... Erebus?" 
"Erebos, actually sir." I tried my best to be formal, I didn't want to make a God as an an enemy at my first day at camp. Dionysus leaned forwards in his chair, his eyes looking as if they were about to burst into flames.
"Yes, yes. Same thing." He muttered as he kept his eyes fixed on me. "Welcome to Camp, I know you're new and all, but I suggest you get back to training. Chiron here will tell you why." Chiron? I thought as I looked around, I then saw a man on a wheelchair come out of the shadows, he smiled at me and I waved slightly.
"Yes, follow me Aaron." He had used my name, which was strange since I had never told him my name, nonetheless I followed. As we exited The Big House he sighed and stood from his wheelchair, his upper body was human and his lower body was not so much human, he was actually a horse from the waist down, my eyes widened.
"You-You're a horse? B-But you're a human." I stuttered and Chiron chuckled.
"I am a Centaur, half human half horse." He smiled at me and I managed to give him a nervous smile back.
"At any case, Dionysus is sending you on a quest."
"Already?" I asked while tilting my head, Kevin had told me what quests were and how long it took, Chiron nodded
"You're a special case, you're a son of a primordial god after all." Chiron said while looking over at me, I then nodded.
"I guess so... When am I going?" I asked, anxious to get this quest done with, Chiron sighed then tilted his head. 
"In a few months, you need to be properly trained first." I then nodded at that, I barely knew how to use the sword I made from shadows 'Nightbane'
"Who's going to be training me?"
"Kevin of course." Chiron replies with a smile
"Oh... So I'm gonna get my butt handed to me again.." I sighed and groaned silently, Chiron smiled slightly and nodded.
"Let's get him then."

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