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"What if they don't like me?" I asked Ashton, as the taxi sped across the town.

"Shut up Ruby they're going to love you." Ashton assured me, wrapping his arms around my shoulder and kissing my head softly. Me and Ashton had always been close, but not like this. But I didn't mind, I loved Ashton like a brother. Once the taxi stopped, my nerves really started to kick in. Though I had no idea why, because I was usually pretty confident around new people. But there was something in the back of my mind pleading for me not to meet Ashton's band mates.

"C'mon don't worry." Ash comforted, wrapping his hand around mine as we entered the hotel lift.

It reminded me of my first day of upper school. I had been very, very scared, but Ashton had held my hand the whole way to school, making me feel a heap better.

"Hey guys, Ruby's here." Ashton shouted as we entered a large hotel room, and I backed up a bit as I heard a few mutters in the room to my left. Soon, A boy came tumbling through the door.

"Aye, I'm Calum" He smiled, sticking his hand out. I looked up at Ashton who smiled at me encouragingly, before I shook Calum's hand.

"Ruby" I replied, and Calum nodded.

"Yeah Ash over here hasn't quit going on about you" another boy said, walking over to me.

"Really?" I laughed nervously, and Ashton's cheeks flushed pink.

"I'm Michael." This boy said, and I smiled at him warmly.

"Oi where's Luke?" Ashton asked his friends, and then a boy stepped out of the room to my left, and my eyes immediatley flicked to him.

"I'm here Ash" this supposed 'Luke' replied, winking at Ash with a grin on his face. But as me and him made eye contact, the smile faded from his pale pink lips, and a shiver bolted down my spine.

The boy from my nightmare.


Luke's Pov

It was the girl from my dream. But this was impossible.

"Ashton, I'm feeling a bit light headed." Ruby said, breaking our eye contact, and looking towards the ground.

"Oh, Luke can you take her to the couch. I'll get her some water." Ashton asked, and I saw Ruby's eyes widen before she gripped Ashton's arm tighter.

"Don't be scared." I heard Ashton whisper, and I bit my lip as Ruby nodded, before making her way over to me.

"Hi" she said shyly, making me smile.

"Hey hun, come on." I said, leading her towards the sofa. Once she was sat down, I was about to sit next to her, but Ash walked in and knelt down in front of her, handing her the water and a paracetamol.

Calum gave him a weird look, and Ashton sat next to Ruby on the sofa before explaining.

"Ruby used to get anxiety attacks, and whenever she used to feel light headed, 50 percent of the time she'd black out." Ash explained, and everyone nodded as I sat across the room from Ruby, not taking my eyes off of her.


"Do you want to spend the night here, Ruby? It's gotten a bit late without us realising. I'm sure Shaun and Lucy won't mind." Ashton asked Ruby.

"Sure, they know I'm with you anyway." Ruby replied, a shy English accent escaping her mouth. She hadn't sounded English for the last couple of hours.

"You're English?" I blurted out, and Ruby's eyes glanced over at Ash, who was looking straight back at her. It was as if they were speaking... Without actually speaking. Ruby nodded at me, and smiled, making me bite my lip. She was beautiful.

About 45 minutes later everyone was dead asleep, apart for me. I was awake, thinking about Ruby. Who had agreed to sleep on the sofa, even though Ashton had bugged her to take his bed. Just as I was about to lay down, I heard a gasp come from the living room. And then muffled sobs. Furrowing my eyebrows, I rushed out of mine and Calum's room, and into the dark living room. The light was shining through the balcony doors, and so the outline of Ruby's body was clear. She was sitting up, the cover Ashton had provided her with was on the floor.

"Ruby?" I whispered, as I sat down next to her, but she jumped away as soon as I placed my hand on hers. She was still crying, which worried me.

"Ruby, it's okay. It's me, Luke" I reassured her.

"I know it's you.. Just, please don't hurt me." Ruby replied, leaving me in a state of confusion.

con·fu·sion /kənˈfyo͞oZHən/


1. Lack of understanding; uncertainty.

Falling - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now