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I sat up abruptly in bed, causing my quilt to completely abandon the upper half of my body. As I shivered, my eyes adjusted to the dark, and realistaion struck me, as it did every night. After a few seconds, I lost control and burst into tears like usual. I covered my mouth with my small hands, to prevent my parents from hearing my sobbing. I say parents, but they actually adopted me when I was 13, which was last year. They have done so much for me, but I have only bought them trouble in return. I remember the first night I woke up crying in the night, they had both burst through the door, and had sat with me all through the night, comforting me, and assuring me nothing bad was going to happen. Back then I used to dream about my real parents, but for the last couple of months I had been dreaming about someone else.

A boy. A boy with icy blue eyes, and carefully windswept hair. I had never met him, and so I doubted he was real, just a figment of my imagination. Surely someone as beautiful, yet frightening as the boy in my dreams couldn't be real.. Could they?

Shaking the thoughts from my head, I wiped the remainder of tears from my eyes, before laying back down, and drifting off quicker than usual.

fright /frīt/


1. A sudden intense feeling of fear.

2. An experience that causes one to feel sudden intense fear.

Falling - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now