~Chapter 22! You're kidding Me....

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GOMEN! I'm REALLY sorry for not updating in like 6 months, a lot of stuff has been going on.. EVEN though that's no excuse! Honestly, I forgot where I was going with this story heh.. ^^'


Class went by kind of slow, not to mention the surging awkwardness I kept feeling around me as if it was increasing. You'd think I'd be used to it by now? NOPE. Definitely not used to it. 'I shouldn't have made it sound like I like Len-kun...', I thought to myself as looked out the window. "Psss!", I heard someone whisper-yell in my general direction. I ignored it thinking they didn't mean me. But then I heard it three more times. "PPPPPSSSSSSS!!"

I felt my eyebrow twitch in annoyance. I finally looked over to see Tenten and Temari looking at me with weird faces. Well, they might not have intended to make weird faces, but that's what it looked like to me. Temari threw a paper airplane at me, while Kakashi-sensei had his back turned. I sweat dropped, 'Why do I feel like this is gonna end badly...' As soon as the badly made paper plane took flight, Kakashi-turned around and extended his hand to catch it. "Hmm? Passing notes I see..,", Kakashi-sensei seemed as if he was smirking behind his mask, "should I read this out loud?" 'First of all please.. don't. Second, why does he assume that there's a note on there?'

Kakashi-sensei begins to unfold the note and reads, " SO (y/n)~ You and Len :3 Lucky you! But what about "you-know-who"? Him or Len? xD Or is there a third person we don't know about? .____." I facepalm, "you-know-who" is obviously Gaara... GEEZ these guys! A bunch of the people in class start either started laughing or gossiping about what Kakashi-sensei just read out loud. Temari and Tenten were clearly embarrassed. Hinata looked confused about the whole ordeal and tilted her head to the side. I hang my head in either shame or embarrassment, honestly I couldn't tell anymore. 'Why Kakashi-sensei! WHY?!', I pleaded in my head.

I lift my head up and glare daggers at my two friends who got me into this whole thing, with the help of Kakashi-sensei but, I can't glare at the teacher now can I? They seemed to jolt up at my icy glare and inch away from me. "Just wait till I can get my hands on you two..", I mouth to them, causing the two girls to sweat-drop. Kakashi-sensei clears his throat, "Shall we go to the theatre and rehearse the play? I'd say it about time to start considering we have about two weeks to get it right.." The whole class was appalled, HOW CAN HE TELL US WE ONLY HAVE TWO WEEKS TO ACTUALLY START PRACTICING!? Everyone stand from their seats and head out the door. Tenten and Temari tried to escape but Hinata came from behind them and held onto them from their collars. 'Thank you Hina-chan! Heh, if they think they can run from me..', I snicker to myself as I approach them.

After I strongly yell at them and we catch up with the rest of the class. Naruto waited for us, which means that Gaara, Sasuke, and Kiba did too. "You girls take long you know~ We waited for you for about seven minutes", teased Naruto. I put my hands in my hips and lean in towards him, "well we didn't ask you to wait for us now did we", I retort back smiling. I push past them with my friends behind me doing the same, Hinata a little more shyly. The boys follow us and walk in sync with us. "So, I didn't know you were so indecisive with boys (y/n)", Kiba said braking the silence. My eyebrow twitches and I turn around and walk backwards, "Shut in Inuzuka! I'm not." He just smirks at me and laughs. Naruto hits him in the back of the head, though he laughed too.

'Tsk, why can't the world go away for a bit', I groan to myself as I turn around and walk normally again, picking up my pace a bit. Gaara suddenly speaks up, "Like you're any better Kiba." Kiba turns towards him, "what's that supposed to mean!?" Gaara shakes his head and looks back at him, "you practically hit on every girl you see and don't even succeed at it." Everyone snickers at Gaara's response, well not Sasuke, which isn't surprising considering he doesn't even smile. I slow my pace down and rejoin the group. It seemed like Sasuke moved closer to me as I did that but I shrugged it off. 'I don't know why but I feel like I should be blushing.. is it because I feel like Gaara is defending me!?', I think shocked. I clear that thought from me head and gently slap my face.

After we reached our destination, Kakashi-sensei passed out our scripts again. He had to re-write a few things on account of the dreaded kissing scene. "Now, lets begin this day's practice!"


Hope you liked it!~


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