Chapter 13

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I was still fuming when we heard a voice from the bushes. Well well well... lookie who I found. BUSHES DON'T TALK! Luna and I screamed and freaked out at the same time. Then there was hysterical laughter and Knight stood up dressed as a bush. All three of is sweatdropped at him. Knight! Luna chirped with a scarily sweet smile. Y yes Luna? Knight took a step back. Um where did that bat come from? I stared as we watched Luna beat Knight senceless for scaring her. Then a light bulb appeared above my head and I smirked as I figured out who the victims for my prank would be. Luna stared at me suspiciosly finally stopping her beat down. Knight also stood and looked at me sceptically. It has hard to keep a straight face with the looks on their faces and she black eye and giant lump on Knight's head. Hey look at that! I pointed in a random direction. Luna and Knight both turned their heads and I pushed her tword him. I squealed as Luna and Knight blushed but neither pulled away. Just then their kiss had to be interrupted by the speakers. Attention students the wars are now over, a winner has been chosen, please gather in the center of the park.

Our group was one of the last ones there and the teachers stood at the front ready to hand out the first prize award. The winner is
.................................................................................................... ......................................... I crossed my fingers ................................ ........................................
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Bob McDonald! Some random dude cheered from across the street and started to run over but poor Bob got run over by a car. Okaaay. The runner up winner is Vanessa Windpipe! A girl stepped out of the car that ran over Bob and cheered. Frightened people made a path for her. I'm okay! Bob gelled. Vanessa stepped on his hand with her heeled boots. No he's not! She shouted. Poor Bob. I shook my head. Everyone started to leave. Wait should we help Bob? I asked. Nah someone Will get him tomarrow. Knight shrugged. Good point. I said continuing to walk away. He wanna go get a smoothie at that new place? I asked. Nah it's too far. Luna and I talked as we ignored Bob's desperate pleas for help. Pathetic. Luna scoffed. Yup. I popped the p. I think I broke my skull! Bob shouted. Suck it up baby! Luna screamed annoyed. After that Bob's complaining stopped. That's better. Luna sighed. You think he's dead? I asked. Nah! Luna and I said at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2016 ⏰

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