Chapter 7

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Aki's P.O.V.
I changed into my gown in the private room for special guests at the airport. I sighed and heard a knock on the door. Yes? I called to the familiar voice of my body gaurd also known as my babysitter. We're leaving soon. Are you ready? He called. I sighed. Yeah!? I'll be out in a minute I answered. Soft tears slipped down my face and I wiped them away. Suddenly loud bangs and gasps were heard from outside the door. What's going but I couldn't finish my sentence as I spotted Luna on the ground. Aki! She ran at me for a hug but my gaurd stopped her. I looked down at the ground not daring to look her in the eyes. Aki? She seemed to quiestion reaching out to me. Her hand was once again smacked away. Aki look at me. Luna said softly. I didn't say a word or look up. Look at me! She shouted. Fearfully I looked into her eyes. Tears rolled down my face. Why? I asked. She looked at me confused. Why what? Why did you come back!? I shouted through more tears. She came up close to my face. I backed away a little bit. Dummy! She shouted and banged me on my head. We stared at each other for a moment before I huddled by the door and whined, Ow! Ow! Ow! Isn't it obvious? Luna smiled as her eyes softened. Your my friend and I'll never leave a friend behind. I wiped my tears and hugged Luna. I then pulled away. As much as I want to stay Luna it's not like you can come with me and change my moms mind. Luna got a lightbulb over her head and grinned mischievously. Oh no. I groaned. What did I just get myself into?

A/N if you want to know what happened to Luna read her P.O.V. on Luna wolf21's account and basically Roxy got a week of detention for lying to the principle and assissting in Luna's plan

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