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Kevin woke in his studio once the sandstorm had passed. He vaguely remembered a hug, and an unfamiliar place.
"Vanessa?" He called.
"In here." She called from in here. She was standing over a bloodied, stapled body. She smiled at Kevin as she wiped blood from her face. "Kill your double." She whispered, smiling strangely.
"My double hugged me." Kevin informed Intern Vanessa, just in case she cared at all. Intern Vanessa did not care. She smiled at Kevin anyway. Kevin smiled back.
"Back to the studio, then, Kevin." Intern Vanessa said. "I think it needs a repaint after that sandstorm. I'll call the Shauns in shortly."
"Thankyou, Vanessa." Kevin said as he made his way back to his studio. He smiled at the wall and observed that Intern Vanessa was right. The wall did need a repaint.
"Better get those Shauns in quicksmart, Vanessa." He called as he stroked the red wall. Fresh blood was definitely in order, and there were always enough Shauns for that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2015 ⏰

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