Chapter 8: Creation

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Your P.O.V:

"I tell ya, Despair has ALWAYYYS loved you, (Y/n). Even when you were a little girl, he always said he would make you his one day."

"He couldn't get enough out of telling us that one everyday. That and how he was going to rule Hellsalem's Lot and New Jerusalem with you at his side."

"Not to mention, he-"

"Okay! I got it! He loves me.." You stopped Femt and Aligura from explaining any further, the very thought of Despair's love for you sent chills down your spine.

So, you decided to get some other questions answered and changed the subject.

"Why don't I remember anything? Why can I only remember parts of Despair that are directly related to William?" You questioned the two.

Aligura sighed in annoyance, as you felt a ray of anger haze off of Femt.

"When your parents decided to take off before the Great Collapse and leave you here, you had to be cleared as an emancipated adult through LIBRA. I don't really know, but chances are with the powers you possess, they didn't want you to remember anything." Aligura explained, twirling one of her salmon bangs around her finger.

"Woah.. did you say..powers..?" Your eyes widened.

"Yup, they did wipe everything off that tiny little brain of yours." Aligura giggled, tapping a finger daintily on the tip of your nose.

You creased your eyebrows in confusion.

If you didn't feel a need for an explanation before, you definitely needed it now.

"What Aligura is trying to say is that you are the reason why we are here, (Y/n). You made what is the Thirteen Kings." Femt sighed. Though he said it so casually, as though it was a normal topic.

But you'd just learned that you were the leader and the reason for why there was a group of imperial and insane villains on the loose. That was ALL but normal!

"What do you mean?! How the fuck am I the reason that you're all here?! And if I'm a supposed member of the Thirteen Kings, does that mean I'm craz-"

"Woah, there tiger. Me, Femt, and the others are the only wild ones here. Secondly, you unleashed what we are, is what we mean." Aligura reiterated.

"In other words, we are beings that you have created inside your mind. When you were younger, do you remember going to the hospital sometimes?" Femt asked.

You nodded awkwardly. From what you remember, you used to get injuries fairly often that resulted from playing around with Black and White, or just being plain reckless.

"Well whatever you remember, is not the truth. You visited the hospital often because your parents believed you were insane. You always spoke to them about the voices in your head, or the people inside of you. That was us of course, but your parents believed that mentally, you were damaged. This had gone on for a number of years, until you were about 13. That was also the year of the Great Collapse. Do you remember why your parents left, (Y/n)?"

"Wasn't it because I wanted to live and learn on my own..?" You said slowly. Most of everything you had ever known was being contradicted, and you weren't sure WHAT to believe anymore.

"That was part of it. You were tired of your parents believing that you had mental issues, so you were emancipated from them. Feeling betrayed by you, they moved away just before the Great Collapse, preventing them from being trapped here."

"Okay.. so how did you guys come to be, then?" You asked slowly, attempting to take everything in.

"When the Great Collapse took place, we gained enough power to exit your body. We were free beings without a body. In a way, you could think of us as your demons. You blacked out, and each of the Thirteen Kings were able to possess the body they chose. Chances are, Despair chose that boy because you had fallen in love with him and Despair wanted you to return the feelings."
Femt explained, attempting to recall the past.

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