Chapter 12: Mary's Advice

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Your P.O.V.:

"Y'know, White.. its a lot easier to talk to you when you don't have me in a headlock."  You muttered, your head idly leaning against the bubbly girl's chest.

White reached her arm around you to dig into the open bag of candy you'd brought for her.

"I figure if we talk like this, it'll bring us much closer." She joked with a mouth full of chocolate as she chewed.

"I'm being serious, Mary." You squinted your eyes at her, hoping she'd catch the hint.

"Oh so we're using birth names now? Okay then, (Y/n) (L/n) what have you come to speak to me about?" The pale blonde remarked sarcastically, lifting her arm up allowing you to be free from her hold.

"Its..its about Black." You whispered, almost barely audible.

"Did he cry when you kissed him or something? That wimp. I swear Grey you have a weird taste in guys-"

"N-no that's not what happened! Its a-about something else.." You mumbled, a light blush appearing on your cheeks.

"Okie doke then. Lay it on me." She replied nonchalantly , and sat up as if she was about to be told a child's story.

You took in a deep breath, preparing for whatever reaction White would display. It could be cold or comforting, but regardless you needed her help, so you would confide in her no matter what.

"D-don't get me wrong I love William and I don't ever want to lose him, but... I'm in love with someone else too.."

White's forest tone eyes glimmered as she widened them, and her silly demeanor immediately went out the window.

"S-some else? Grey what do you mean someone else? I-I though you fell in love Will and Will only.."

"I did! Technically I did fall in love with him only. William's got multiple personalities, y'know? The kind, clumsy version isn't the only one that I fell for.." You explained yourself quickly so as not to give Mary the wrong idea.

White's bright gaze darkened, as she took her hand out of the bag of candy and silently placed it back on her lap.

"William doesn't have multiple personalities, (Y/n)." She stated seriously, as her eyes widened once again as if she'd had a sudden revelation.

"Don't tell me.. don't you dare tell me you fell in love with that thing."  Mary growled, her eyes shadowing as she glared at you.

"Mary, I-"

"Don't Mary me! That thing is killing William from the inside out with every passing minute and you fell in love with it?!" She questioned you, suddenly becoming irritated with your choices.

"I know what he's doing, Mary I just-"

"If you know what he did then why do you love him?! He's killing him, (Y/n).  You can't be okay with that.. you just can't.." She said solemnly, looking to the ground in disappointment.

There was a prolonging moment of silence, to which Mary would not dare look you in the eyes and the room was filled with an aroma of regret and misunderstandings.

Finally breaking that silence, you chose to speak. Whatever you said next could make or break your relationship with Mary and for that, you were afraid.

"Originally I did hate the King of Despair. I hated him with everything within me. But then I got reminded of my past, and who was there for me. Yes, you and Will were there. But you weren't there during the mental hospital visits. You weren't there when I had myself convinced that I was a monster and no one loved me. Despair.. he was there." You attempted to explain to her.

She seemed very closed off from you, choosing not to respond and merely tapping her foot every few seconds.

You took another deep breath, a few tears escaping the jail that was your eyes.

" I made him. I created the King of Despair. "

She finally provided a reaction, her head snapping towards you as her eyes held a multitude of fury.

"Y-you... not you of all people.. you made the thing that took my brother?!"

"I didn't choose to! I was born with the power. During the first great collapse he and a few other beings gained enough power to escape the confines of my mind. After that LIBRA erased my mind and I had no recollection of any of that.." You cried, hoping you'd reach out to her through her anger.

She remained silent for a moment, before choosing to respond.

"So that's what you came to speak to me about. You came to ask me what you should do..?" She asked you, a bit more calmly than how she'd spoken to you before.

"I need your help, Mary. I can't do this on my own." You said through an abundance of sobs.

She sighed, scooting over an throwing an arm over your shoulder so that you could lean on her.

"I should be angry with you. Hell, I should've tried to kill you. But I can't. Not only would William  hate me if I did that, but I would never forgive myself. So I'll tell you what to do, (Y/n)..." She said quietly.

"The King of Despair is a terrible being. He has no regard for others, and his only desire is to take over the world and destroy the Great Barrier. Millions of peoples' lives would be lost, including mine and Will's. All so he could just be a true King. William is my brother. All he wants in life is for you and I to be healthy, happy, and alive. If you really chose Despair over him, what kind of person would you be, (Y/n)?"

Mary's words hit you. Really, what kind of person would you be? You would choose one person over everyone else. Ruling by his side. All that just for what..?

"I should choose him, I know Mary but I.. I can't just leave Despair. Not after all he's done for me. I'm just so conflicted I don't know who to choose...!"

Mary sighed loudly, grabbing your shoulders so that you'd face her.

She stared at you with an unsure look with tears lining her eyes.

" I want.. no I need you to choose right now (Y/n). Its either me, William and the rest of Earth or its Despair."


Hey guys! Sorry this part was not published yesterday I was just slightly busy. So as you have noticed that at the end of this chapter Mary forces you to make a choice. Which yes, you have to make. This is where the book unfortunately comes to a closing. There will be two parts related to the King of Despair ending and two parts related to the William/Black ending. Though before those parts are updated I will be making a special part that is unrelated to the story line as like a sort of gift for you guys. While I would make this a long term book with a lot of chapters or even a sequel following it I can't. With Kekkai Sensen/Blood Blockade Battlefront only being a one season anime and the characters being anime based only, its difficult to continue this story with such limited information. After all, the story is mainly the reader's choice between William and Despair and this is what it all leads up to. While the King of Despair did return at the end of the anime, this story focuses on Despair's possession of William which even if there was a second season, doesn't look likely to happen again. So while I do love writing this story it is sadly coming to an end. I would like to thank all of you guys for tagging along the whole way and leaving tons of votes and comments. Lets not make it all sad though! Get excited for the special and four chapters!! I love you all and don't forget to vote and share what you think in the comments. (BTW do y'all like the new cover? *raises eyebrows repeatedly*). -Drama Typhoon <3

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