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24 DECEMBER 2013

Dahee grabs Taehyung's arm, giggling softly under her breath as she did so. Taehyung seemed pleasantly surprised at the sudden contact initially, but smiles shyly as he holds Dahee's hand.

"It's so cold." Dahee shivers, and Taehyung took that as his cue to pull her body closer to his. But of course, he doesn't miss out on the chance to tease her.

"Huh, I thought you would feel warmer with me here." He starts, "Since I'm so hot, and all." He finishes proudly with a playful smirk playing on his lips.

Dahee simply rolls her eyes, not wanting to agree with Taehyung because that would only boost his self esteem.

The boy simply pouts when he realises that his girlfriend wasn't going to concur with what he had just said.

He tears the beanie off his head in a single swift moment, playfully pulling it over her head instead. He chuckles, before pulling her hand along, leading the couple into the darkness of the streets.

25 DECEMBER 2013

"It's Christmas!" Dahee cheers excitedly, running into the living room with dishevelled hair. She flapped her hands around like a little kid, excited to open her presents.

Taehyung flinches when he hears her loud voice echo throughout the apartment. He sits up on the couch tiredly, rubbing his eyes lazily.

"Where's my present?" Dahee asks sweetly, leaning forward as she hid Taehyung's present behind her back.

Taehyung smiles subtly, bending over to reach for a box that was hidden under the couch that he was just laying on.

It was a small and long white box, with silver ribbon tied around it as a form of decoration.

"Merry Christmas, Love." Taehyung whispers, smiling widely despite his fatigue. His whisper sends a shiver down Dahee's spine, she absolutely loved how deep his voice sounded.

It was funny how Taehyung managed to make her fall in love again, everyday.

Dahee tugs onto one end of the ribbon before it comes loose. She gently lifts the cover off, revealing a beautiful, minimalistic silver necklace within the box.

The necklace had a small heart pendant attached to it, with the words 'Forever' engraved in the middle.

"Forever?" Dahee asks, chuckling slightly at how cheesy Taehyung was being. Taehyung smiles shyly, his long bangs slightly covering his eye smile.

"I want us to be together, forever." He explains simply, before pulling out the same necklace from beneath his shirt.

Dahee passes the necklace to Taehyung excitedly, signaling for him to put it on her. "So, it's a couple necklace!" She cheers, with Taehyung only answering with a soft chuckle.

When he finishes helping her put it on, he leaves a quick, chaste peck on her cheek.

"Promise me that you will never take it off?" Taehyung questions, muttering softly.

Dahee nods, "Are you sure you're okay with wearing it? Your fans might see it." She asks worriedly.

Taehyung shakes his head, sending her reassuring smile. "Don't worry about it, they'll just think it is part of the stage outfit." He states.

"If I'm not wearing it, I am no longer the Kim Taehyung that loves you. Which will never happen, by the way." He finishes.

30 DECEMBER 2013

With the couple spending their 3rd Christmas together, Dahee was slightly disappointed that she wasn't able to celebrate Taehyung's birthday for the 3rd time together.

But she understands that Taehyung's career was more important. She knows that they have both agreed not to let his career interfere with their relationship.

She understands that Taehyung was busy with all of the award shows that was happening and she was simply thankful that she even got to celebrate Christmas with him this year.

She knows that he was busy - but couldn't he at least reply to her texts?

He had not responded to her texts since Christmas, and Dahee was getting increasingly worried.

Tired of waiting for his reply, Dahee flops on to the couch, switching the television on with the press of a button.

Her eyes widens upon recognising the man who was the main subject shown on the television at that very moment.

She recognises that familiar smile and she reaches for the remote, turning up the volume to hear his words.

"Thank you for all the birthday wishes! Remember that I will always belong to all of you." He beamed.

Dahee smiles upon hearing this. She absolutely loves how much Taehyung appreciated his fans. She likes how humble he was all the time.

But her expression falls and fades into one of sadness when she notices something.

Staring at Taehyung's neckline, she realises that he wasn't wearing the necklace anymore.

Remembering the words he had just said a few days ago, she realises what he had said about not wearing the necklace.

"I am no longer the Kim Taehyung that loves you."

With that, tears betrayed Dahee's eyes when they begin rolling down her cheeks. Forever lasted shorter than she expected it to.

TO MR KIM TAEHYUNGWhere stories live. Discover now