world meet canada

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Matthew was sitting unnoticed at the world conference when there was a loud bang of the conference room doors flying open. In walked in 10 angry provinces. The prairie boys were bickering with the maritimes and Quebec and Ontario were at each others throughts. The nations of the world were in shock well Matthew flew out of his seat yelling "what the heck is it now? " . Ontario quickly relpied in his smartass tone "prairies and maritimes are arguing about climate and Quebec is trying to become his own nation again." Matthew did an epic facepalm and said "ok for the last time climate is not up for negotion and Quebec i understand why but why now your economy is a mess!?" 

The provinces trying to draw attention away from them all yelled out "the territories are trying to get alska to be come the fourth territory of Canada! " Alfred jumped up to defend his state only to find all the provincies had left. Alfred laughed "kid trouble? " he asked looking at his brother "more then i care to amit" he replied banging his head against the table. The nations of the world were once again confused as hell.

Canada had left the meeting after reserving a very disturbing distress call from Alaska, and now the nations were trying to figure out what the heck had happened. Italy was the first to ask "Germany! Germany! Who were those people?" "Italy is right who were those people?" England huffed. All the nations started talking and arguing with each other about who the people were until America (yelled) said "you guys really don't no any of them?" All eyes were now on America. "Well who are they?" England yelled well giving his best death glare. "WOW! You guys really don't know Mattie's kids." At this all eyes went wide. "Mon petiet matthew with children most be kidding." France laughed. " You really would think that after Quebec or 'Lower Canada' you would remember at least one of his kids"America arued. "Wait how do you know so much about this Alfred?" England questioned. "I'm his brother, neighbor, and happened to have 50 kids of my own." America answered rather annoyed. "Wait hold the phone America has kids" a random nation yelled out. "Yep 50 states, unlike Canada and his 13 provinces and territories." For the third time that day the nations were rendered speechless.

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