should i stay or should i go now

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(don't own anything countries are from hetalia and provinces i am matthewian project)

After returning home to free Alaska from the territories, which had turned out to be  just  Yukon for the most part, matthew sat down on the couch and slumped forwards with his head in his hands. Matthew muttered non-understandable words under his breath as the provinces gathered around him rubbing his or giving him words that they thought to be comforting.

Oliver otherwise known as Ontario, stood up from his seat next to matthew  looked down and said in his as the other province would say annoying voice "well it's about time we got some reconision. The meeting still going for another few hours, I say we go back and show those hosers the real canada!"

"Ontario! You insensitive..." Quebec started but was soon cut off by matt.

"no Quebec, Ontario's right, even if his reasons need some work. None of the other countries asides from Al know whats going on and we all know Al's not the best at this type of thing." Matthew stood up, pull his jacket on grabbed the keys to the van that more rivaled a small bus, and turn around " Well are you coming or not?!" he yelled at his kids who were still sitting on the couch.

"we aren't kids you know. We can drive." Manitoba called back in his border line grouchy voic.

"It's called carpooling. Some people care about the environment mr. I'm friendly god damn it!" B.C. yelled well smacking him one the back of the head.

Matthew huffed already regretting his decision "just get in the car!" Matt yelled in a fashion that would have surprise any who knew matthew asides from his kids, alfred, and a few states.

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