Chapter 1

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A/N: just so you know Kylo Ren's age in the story is going to be 21 even though he is presumably 30 in the story. Sorry I hope you don't mind. I also made Poe Dameron 23 in the story. Rey and Finn 18. I know you might be mad about that but please forgive me it will just make the story easier. There might be some differences from the actual story but please don't hate me, and NO HATE COMMENTS!!! Also sorry if this sucks I'm writing this at 2:00 am so who knows what it's going to say?!

Third person:

You were a Jedi in the resistance. You were also Poe Dameron's sister. The force was always strong with you, and it was so powerful that you were able to see the spirits of fallen Jedi before you. Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Master Yoda taught you how to use the force by the time you were 6. They were at first reluctant about training because when you were 4 you lost your parents, you were also very short tempered and you still are! Ever since you were little your big brother Poe (the best pilot in the galaxy) has taken care of you and now you and him are fighting in the resistance! Now your 18 and Poe is 23. You kind of nervous when you first joined but now you have 2 close friends Rey and Finn who are also the same age as you! But now you only have Finn because Rey left. It's been hard lately since Han died he was like your father and you really missed him. It's been 4 years since you joined the resistance and your happy your helping but you are kind of miserable. You don't know why though.
"Hey y/n! What are you doing?! This is the first time you got an assignment, and your slacking?" Poe scolded in a joking way.
"Oh! Umm... Just thinking." You answered quickly. Word had spread around the to first order was planing something so you, Finn, and Poe are going to investigate it. This is the first mission you've ever been on because Leia was always to worried you were going to get hurt. She is so over protective! But your finally going on a mission! As you got your stuff ready to go you grabbed your green double lightsaber and hoped in an X-Wing.

Time Skip because time is relative and ain't nobody got time for that

We landed on a secret space station that we found in a remote place in space.
"Okay let's split up so we can cover more ground" Poe suggested,
"Okay." Finn replied,
"Yeah" you answered, we started walking in different detections.

La time skip because I'm exhausted! 😴

You were walking through a bunch of empty hallways 'Wow this is really unprotected!' You stopes paying attention and bumped into someone! As you looked up you saw a very attractive guy that looked about 21 who was starring down at you. You knew
immediately it was Kylo Ren! (Without helmet)
"Who are you!" He demanded in a scary yet sexy voice.
"I-I-I'm y/n." You answered blushing madly.
"Why are you here!" He questioned, you knew you should just tell the truth because he would know if you were lying or not.
"I'm with the rebellion.." You answer quietly looking down at the ground.
"What a waste your actually quite beautiful." He cooed.

Kylo Ren POV:

Wow I can't believe someone this beautiful even exists! The way her long (h/c) hair flows with her (f/c) highlights, her bright beautiful (e/c) eyes. I already love everything about her and I barely know her! But I can't love her I'm a Sith! In not supposed to feel love! I can't go soft! But maybe I can get her to join the dark side...

A/N: sorry for the sort of cliff hanger I hope you liked the first part more will be on the way shortly so don't worry I got you covered!😉 If you have a suggestion please let me know! Bye for now my Star Warains!
P.S. Sorry it was so short I'm just so tired!

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