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A/n Bianca is played by Madison Beer
Bianca's p.o.v

I pulled into my driveway. ( A/n Bianca is 16 , Nash is 17 , Hayes is 16, Cameron is 18, Shawn is 16, Johnson is 17, Gilinsky is 17, Mahogany is 17, Jacob is 16, Aaron is 17 if you're wondering) " you guys can stay in the car. I'll be out in like 10 minutes. I leave the car on so you won't get to hot and you can listen to the radio." I said simply with no emotion. I went into my house. ( it was a mansion) I ran up the stairs. I got my suit case. I placed it on my bed. I went to my closet. I grab 10 dresses, 17 pairs of leggings,29 pairs of jeans, 15 sweaters, 10 V-necks, 20 pairs of pjs, 4 new packages of new socks (10 pair) ,  35 different shoes that included of heels, flats, and running shoes. I didn't have enough space in one suit case so I got a mini suit case and a handbag that matches the suit cases. Then I went to the bathroom. I got my makeup bag, it was already packed so I just put it into the handbag. I brought all of the stuff down stairs. I got myself a water. I figured I'd get Nash and johnson a drink. So I texted Nash.

*Text conversation *
Me: Nash what do you and Johnson want to drink
Nash: Johnson wants a Sprite can I just get a water
Me: yeah
* end of conversation *
I put my phone in my bra. I got Sprite and two bottles of water. I got everything I needed and opened my trunk. I put everything in the back except my handbag. I got into the car and drove to Nash's and Johnson's place. The car ride was silent and awkward. The radio was on but you could feel the tension. When we got to there house. They said I could come in but honestly I didn't want to I knew Gilinsky and Hayes would be there and I didn't want to see either of them. They went inside and I went on my phone. I was going to log onto Twitter but I got a text from my mom. So I replied to her.

* text conversation*
Mom: hey honey how'd the meeting go
Me: it was good mom everyone on the tour is super nice they treat me like family
Mom: I heard Nash and Hayes where on it
Me: yeah but it doesn't matter it was a while ago Hayes has grown up
Mom: okay honey have fun I'll see you thanksgiving?
Me: um about that mom I won't be home for Halloween or thanksgiving I'll be on tour and I'm honestly not sure about Christmas yet but I swear I'll try
Mom: oh
Me: yeah I'm sorry mom but I have to go. I love you
Mom: okay honey I love you too
* End of conversation *

Nash and Johnson already put there stuff in the trunk. " I have to get gas." I said while they put there seat belts on. I was driving to the gas station. " Look Bianca I'm sorry but I'm talking for me and Nash when I say this. Gilinsky is an amazing friend but he flirts with every girl. He plays with girls emotions and me and Nash don't want you hurt. But you can date him if you want. We will support you." Johnson said. " Johnson is right. If Gilinsky hurts you I will beat the living shit out of him." Nash said. I smiled. I pulled into the gas station and hugged Nash. Then I got out of the car opened the back door and hugged Johnson. I closed the door then pumped the gas.

Bullied by Hayes GrierDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora