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A/n Bianca is played by Madison Beer
Bianca's p.o.v

" Bianca. Bianca come on wake up." Someone said shaking me. I opened my eyes. It was G. I looked at him confused. I was in his arms and he was shirtless.

"you were crying."he said. I felt my face. There were tears on them. "Oh. Thank you." I said. He kissed my forehead.

It made my heart flutter. "what time is it? Did I wake anyone else up. Oh my god I'm so sorry I woke you up." I blurted out.

He moved away sitting look me in the eyes now. "it's 4:54 am, no just me, and don't apologize I hate seeing people I love cry. I'm happy you're not crying anymore." He said with an award winning smile.

"did you...just say....you love me?" I asked really shocked.

" look Bianca I know we just met but honestly you make my heart beat so fast. You make me smile and laugh. The last couple of day with you were fucking amazing. Will you go out with me?" G said with begging eyes.

" yes." I smiled really big and hugged him. He hugged me back. " we won't tell anyone about it except the boys and mahogany though because I don't you to get hate." G said I just nodded. "let's go back to sleep." G said. I nodded and we both laid down and I feel back asleep in his arms.

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