Chapter 2 - New Friend

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A/N : There will be few characters on this chapter that you will meet . POV's will be italized and underlined , dialogues will be bold . Just so you know . I don't want you getting all confused :) Enjoy reading .


 Being a teenager was never easy . There's the usual high school clique to abide to , the fashion trend you follow will mostly make a statement of how you will be treated and most of all who you hang out with . Harmony is going to be the last thing you will see with teenagers . I didn't turn out as good as I hoped to be when I was younger . I really wished to be one of the popular girls at school . I can do that if I will use my family's name into getting my popularity . My family owns the school . I was not kidding when I told Leila about it when we were young .

 The school was not the only family business that we have. If I would just go along with that, I can get any attention that I can get . But NO, I decided to keep it a secret and only Leila knows about it . No one suspects because I don't look like my social status . I don't want people at school to like me because I am rich, I want them to see ME . But it turned out differently from Leila .

Leila POV

As Asia and I grew up we are still best of friends. But It became kind of a secret. We meet and talk ONLY when the school is over. The most popular girl in town cannot be seen with a weirdo. Asia always says that. Yep, Asia became the schools bully magnet. But I don't see her as weird. She is really cool if only they will take the time to know her. 

Asia looked like she was kidnapped and raped by her closet every time she goes to school. Asia loves wearing long skirts. Long ugly skirts mind you. Her blouses were all from the 90's. She looks like those girls that goes to poetry readings in the movies. Maybe because she thinks looking old fashioned is vintage or maybe I'm wrong . She isn't fat but she has this baby fats around her belly, she wears glasses as thick as the schools sliding door, her hair is long and curly , dark brown and really messy. That's because she doesn't want anybody touching it.

Some calls her a witch. I don't think she cares. Some just sums it up as plain weirdo. I feel bad that I can't stand up for her. She insist that I don't get involved with her at school. I'm her only friend anyways. She would have no one if she loses me. I love her dearly.

Summer vacation is almost there, everybody is excited except my best friend. We met at her house one Thursday evening. We do that a lot. I share her stories, the ins and outs of being looked up to at school, how it feels. She loves it. Asia is always excited about those kind of stories and we can all understand why.

That night , we were talking about this couple at school Sarah and Jackie.

"Do you think Jackie is that into Sarah?" asked Asia. Looking really puzzled . 

Sarah is one of the volleyball players at school and Jackie is a cheerleader who was known for sleeping around with the whole boys basketball team.

"Why do you ask? Are you starting to be gay?" I always tease her that she is gay because she never liked any boy at school. Not a crush and I know she doesn't keep secrets from me.

"I saw Jackie with Sarah before I head home. They were smooching behind the bleachers." Asia has her poker face saying what she saw.

"Just let them be. Summer break is near and we should start planning ." I said.

Asia loves nature tripping so I know what she'd love. 

"I'm thinking of camping. I saw this camp site on a magazine which by the way is just on the next town. You'll love it. "

She looked like a kid that has received her Christmas present. I was excited too, but not as excited as her. "It's gonna  be like the old days. Smores, ghost stories and stuff. I'm excited." 

Asia goes all out when it comes to camping or other outdoors stuff. Her family is filthy rich. They own the school and other establishments in town. I heard that they have other businesses out of the country too. I never asked anything about that from her.  She used to be one bratty kid. Like what her Nanny said, Asia has changed a lot since we met. I am so glad to see the excitement in her eyes. She haven't even seen the place and yet she is excited like a baby who got a shiny new toy.

Asia POV

"I'm going to buy a new tent for us . " Yes, that's right. I'm going to buy a new tent. It has been long since we last camped out. Leila was too busy with her Miss Popular role at school these past few semesters.  So I'd be glad to do all the shopping for our trip.

The next day I went to Toby's . That's the only store in our town selling cool camping stuff. I was looking for a tent then a guy behind me spoke. 

"Isn't that going to be too big for you alone? Or maybe you are going camping with your boyfriend?" 

I looked behind me and saw this tall young man, about 5'11" I think. He has a golden brown hair, green eyes and a perfect jaw line. Looks like a model that came out of a Calvin Klein poster. I was speechless of course. That was the first time a guy ever talked to me without calling me any bad name.

I took a deep breath, tried with all my powers and calmly said "you can say that."

WTF did I just say? Did I just lie? Nah, that was just an expression that's fine. There was an awkward silence and then I saw his name tag. It reads "Jordan."  So, his name is Jordan I suppose. His name really fits how he looks like . 

"Well Jordan , do you have any suggestions ?" I think I just flirted a little. So much for a first time. 

Jordan just smiled and said, "that tent is cool for 2 people. Just enough space for you and him." 

I bought the tent and while I was at the cash register, "would like to grab a coffee with me?". Another first time. I am nervous, yes. But hey, "sure. where shall we go?"

We drove to Starbucks. I'll join him on his break.  Got a coffee jelly for me, and he ordered cheesecake. He seems nice. 

Jordan POV 

I'm new to this town and this girl seemed nice. She is cute and chubby. But I think she has a boyfriend. Dang, I don't know her name. 

"Hey , by the way. You already know me. I don't know your name yet."

She giggled so cute , showing off her dimples just beside her lower lips . "I'm Asia. You're Jordan. I think you're new here . "

Well yeah. She should notice. This is a small town and she should know. 

"Yeah, I just moved in with my mother. She inherited Uncle Bob's house near the curb down Canon Rd. Do you know my Uncle?" 

I can't stop smiling like an idiot . I think it's weird that she got my attention. She is cute don't get me wrong. She smells AMAZING. Like a vanilla cake I think. But she dresses like a cat lady, or a witch or something. I dunno. I think I'm gonna hang out with her more.


Am I too slow ?
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