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WARNING! SEXUAL CONTENT BELOW GIRLXGIRL, Read at your own risk. ;)           

AN: This was originally much longer, but I cut off the end to add it to the beginning of the next chapter. Sorry all my chapters are pretty short, but I had planned to just make this entire challenge into a one shot.... I just can't seem to stop writing on it. Hope you enjoy. 

I stayed in my room most the day, only leaving when I needed something, like food. Each time I walked into a room my mom occupied, she’d angrily stomp away in the opposite direction. I was avoiding her just as much as she was avoiding me.

 The last time I left my room there were empty boxes right outside my door stacked together nice and neat. I kicked them across the hall. And thinking that this wasn’t enough punishment for sneaking their way up here, I went to gather them all up and threw them down the stairs.

My mom came out of the kitchen to see what the commotion was. She glanced at the beaten up boxes piled at the bottom few steps, then up at me. We glared at each other, daring the other to say something, anything. In a different situation I probably would have found this funny.

We both turned away, her going back the way she came, and me going back to my room. I don’t even remember why I came out in the first place.

I was excited by the time the sun finally began to set. It didn’t take me long at all to get ready. I still wore the same clothes I put on that morning, my bikini covered by my denim shorts and tank top.

Going to my closet, I grabbed a flashlight from the shelf above my clothes. And then I quickly picked out a pair of black beaded flip flops and slipped them on.

Making sure that my bedroom door was closed, I walked over to my bedside table and turned off my lamp. I wanted my mom to think I was sleeping, so I went over and turned on my small stereo. Turning the music loud enough to hear through the door, but not loud enough for the sound to travel downstairs. The same volume I set it to every night while I sleep.

Sneaking out my window was easy enough, just crawling through my window and climbing over the rail. I never bothered to move the ladder when Becky came to see me last night. Taking one step at a time, I quietly made my way down. It wasn’t long before I was running across my yard and heading towards the woods.

My heart was racing from the excitement of sneaking out to meet my lover. It felt like a fairy tale, locked away in a tower, forbidden love, and an evil mother. And now I was running straight into the waiting arms of my knight…tress. Knightress? I don’t know what you would call a female knight, so I’ll just say this is a princess story running off to meet her princess. We’re both pretty feminine and high maintenance so it works.

I don’t turn on my flashlight until I hit the tree line, and find our usual path. We’ve walked this path so many times before that I probably wouldn’t have needed the light. Following the twists and bends of the path, I finally make it to the clearing. This is the half way mark to Secret’s Cliff. Almost there, just another short path to go.

Stopping just before entering the clearing, I quickly hide the bright beam of my flashlight. A flickering of light was just ahead of me, I wasn’t sure what it was, so I move a little closer. Someone was sitting not far away. I took a few steps around the edge of the trees, trying to see their face. A cloud moved up above, allowing the moon to shine on the ground below. That’s when I notice the familiar features, and long flowing hair. Becky.

She was sitting in the middle of the clearing, legs crossed, wearing her cut off shorts that barely covered anything from this angle. Her bikini straps snaked around her neck, not hidden from under her cherry colored halter top. My breath caught at how beautiful she looked. Lit up by moonlight, surrounded by glistening grass and tall trees, a picture worth painting.

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