o n e h u n d r e d t h i r t y s e v e n

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A close friend told me her story last night.
And now, nearly six years later, you wouldn't be able to tell that anything happened.
When I first met her, I never suspected anything. Even now, knowing what happened, it would still be hard for me to tell.
And honestly,

It's amazing.

That she was able to recover like that.
That she is who she is today.
That she's still here.

Yes, recover is good.

-  - - but God is so great - - -

And even I fail to see it sometimes, when I'm at my lowest.

But you see, because of Him, it's okay that I fail. Because He loves me so much, He'll just pick me back up.

Time and time again. Day after day. Mistake after mistake. He'll always be there.

And if that's not reassuring, I sure as hell don't know what is.

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