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My Princess...
Your life is a symphony.

You are to Me a beautiful song. Your life is a sweet symphony which I Myself am composing note by note. I take your failures, your fears, and your triumphs and turn them into a glorious harmony that will be sing in the havens for all eternity. All your thoughts and deeds are laid before Me like notes on a page. Every choice you make is a significant chord in an eternal arrangement. Don't let the noise of the world destroy your magnificent melody, My beloved. Seek me in the quiet stillness of the morning, and I will fill your heart with divine music. Stay in rhythm with My Spirit thought the day, and I will make your life an irresistible melody that will linger like sweet perfume that will linger in the heats of all that journey with you. Walk with Me in absolute surrender, and you will draw others to Me in a rhapsody of praise.

Your King and your Creator

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