Breath, darling.
Everything is going to be okay. I know that sounds unbelivable but it's true.
You are going to be okay.
You are trapped in the darkness and light seems to drift farther and farther away from you. I know it's scary.
Just, please, take my hand. You're gonna make out through this.
You are a beautiful galaxy of cells and never let anyone tell you differently.
You are a mixture of light and dark, a perfect balance of bad and good.
You have weakness and you have greatness.
You are in a struggle, my darling, and I am sorry.
You are bruised and tired from fending off your demons, I know. I'm hear to help you.
In this battle, I will enlist beside you and fight at your side. I will throw the first punch and catch you when you fall.
Just trust me, dear. You're gonna make it through this.
You are going to be okay, my beautiful star.
Stay strong and don't give up.
I love you, dearest.
Forever and always.