Chapter Three - At the airport

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L/N = Last Name
Y/T/N = Your Twitter Name

Christmas at home had been lovely. You overfaced yourself with the turkey but still found the room for *your favourite dessert* you had your usual traditional L/N Christmas, since the snow was still freshly carressing the town you all decided to go out and play in it. You built snowmen and had snowball fights, it was just like a cheesy Christmas movie with Tim Allen.
It was now mid-January, you and Jake were making your way to the airport. As you left the house the cold January air bit at your cheeks, you were wearing your pastel pink flower ear muffs, a pastel pink bobble hat to match, your white fur coat (faux fur because real fur is cruel) black skinny jeans and white converse. You bundled up your coat to your chin to keep warm. Jake carried your bags to his car, Rose-Marie and your parents came out to say goodbye.
After Jake had put the bags in the boot (trunk to all you Americans) he went over and gave Rose-Marie a long kiss and they hugged for a good minute. You just rolled your eyes and smirked, your Dad came over and put an arm around you. "You be safe now" he said and hugged you.
"Yes, be careful you two" your Mum added.
"Guys, don't worry, I'll look after her" Jake stated, putting an arm around your Mum. Your Dad smiled at him.
"What did we do to deserve such good kids eh?" he squeezed you tighter.
"You must just be blessed" you all laughed at Jake's statement.

*time skip*

You and Jake were fed up. You had been at the airport for hours now, your flight was delayed and there were no available seats, so you were sitting on the floor outside HMV *or insert your countries equivalent to a shop that sells CD's, DVD's, games, electronics and vinyl's* you were glad that Jake hadn't booked the flight on the same day that Indy Pop Con started, so you knew you wouldn't be missing a panel.
You were resting against the wall with your phone out, browsing Tumblr.
"I don't want to alarm you, but I think you have a stalker" Jake leaned over and lowered his voice. You looked up to see a short blonde haired girl staring at you, she smiled when she saw you.
"Oh my god is that Rayma?!" you exclaimed, making Jake jump. You got up.
"Who?" Jake asked, confused. You turned to him.
"She's this girl I know from twitter. And she is one of the sweetest girls you could ever know. I gotta go say hi!"
You jogged over and before you could say anything she hugged you.
Hey Y/N!" She yelled excitedly.
"Rayma! It's so lovely to meet you. Are you going to Indy Pop Con?"
"Nah, I'm just visiting my Auntie. Wish I could be going though! Are you?"
"Yeah, I'm going with my brother Jake" you pointed him out and he waved, Rayma waved back awkwardly.
"Our flight is delayed, we've been here for hoooooourrrrrs" you moaned, making Rayma laugh.
"Aw, I hope you have the best time! You and Jack have to meet. It will be so magical. Everyone still ships *insert ship name for you and Jack* ya know"
You roll your eyes, but inside you could feel your inner fangirl etching to get out.
"Yes, I know. Especially you eh?" you playfully nudge her.
"Totally! I am number one *yours and Jack's ship name* trash"
You share a laugh.
"Selfie?" she requests, taking out her phone.
"Of course!" You stand behind Rayma, smiling hugely while she sticks out her tongue.
"Aw cute" you say, looking at the picture, your phone buzzes. It was twitter.
'@septicloughlin: just met @Y/T/N at the airport! She is super nice :)'
You liked and retweeted the picture.
"Do you wanna come sit with us for a bit?"
"Yeah sure! My flight isn't for a while yet"
You and Rayma walk back over to Jake whilst you fangirl over Jack together.

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