Chapter Six - Jack

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*photo taken by me at Insomnia*

Y/N = Your Name

Your heart felt like it was beating in your throat, it physically hurt you to breathe. You felt yourself staring up at Jack, he was still holding onto you and smiling awkwardly. Finally you managed to find your words.
"S.... sorry. I.... I wasn't paying attention"
Jack chuckled and let you go.
"Don't worry about it, I'm okay. By the way, love your shirt"
Your heart lept when you remembered you were wearing your booper dooper t-shirt. Suddenly you felt a lot less nervous, Jack was surprisingly easy to talk to.
"Oh, thank you! To be honest Jack, you're the only reason I came here this weekend. You're my hero. I have been through the toughest year of my life but without you I definitely could not have gone through it"
Jack kept eye contact with you the whole time, you thought you could melt. His eyes were so much more beautiful in person. You could barely see them fully though, he had tears almost about to fall.
"Wow, I don't even know what to say. That is so sweet of you. I'm glad I could help you"
You suddenly felt tingles all over your body, it hit you that you were standing there, actually talking to Jacksepticeye..... in person.
"You are a lovely person Jack oh my god. Can I have a"
Before you could finish your request, Jack had pulled you in to the warmest, tightest hug you had ever experienced. You felt tears fall as you buried your head in his chest and squeezed him. After about a minute you heard Jake clear his throat, you pulled away from the hug and wiped your eyes.
"Oh! Jake, I'm sorry. Jack, this is my big brother, Jake"
Jack gave Jake a "bro hug" and Jake began to speak.
"Jack it's lovely to meet you! Thank you so much for being there for my sister, in a sense. I don't think she'd be the girl she is today without you"
Again, Jack looked as though he was going to cry.
"You really don't have to thank me! I am just glad my videos could help"
You couldn't stop smiling.
"My name's Y/N by the way, forgot to say" you chuckled before continuing and taking out your phone.
"Can we get a picture?"
"Sure!" Jack took your phone off you and took a few nice selfies of you together, and then he decided to spam you with pictures of himself, which you just laughed at when he handed your phone back to you.
"Thanks for that" you said between giggles.
"Hey, I know you're not really supposed to ask a lady how old she is but"
Your face flushed red as you looked down at your shoes.
"That's okay. I don't mind. I'm 23" (sorry if you're not, just pretend haha)
"Awesome. You guys here all weekend?"
"Yeah, I treated her to VIP tickets"
"Aw cool! I hope I'll see you guys around then"
Jack looked right into your eyes as he spoke, making you blush a million shades of red again.
"Yeah, totally. Lovely to meet you"
You giggled, Jack hugged you again before you left. As you were walking away he called your name, you spun around.
"Do you want to get a coffee later?" he casually asked, your cheeks began to burn again and you couldn't hide your smile as you accepted his oh so generous offer.

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