2: Rose

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Sabrina POV

I opened one eye groggily. I pulled a crop top and shorts on, then slipped out the door into the bright sunlight. I pulled my baseball cap over my messy blonde hair backwards, and took my skateboard to the studio. 

Rowan, Corey, and Peyton were all there already. 

"I didn't know you could board." Peyton said with a hint of teasing in his voice.

"Don't." I said quickly. He nodded, and we all headed inside. 

This episode, we started in Riley's living room. Maya, who I played, had some news. She was moving, because I had a tour and wouldn't be able to film for a while. Peyton glanced over at me, and it wasn't even in the script.

Riley(Rowan) looked sad, and let a few tears fall. Farkle(Corey) wrapped an arm around her shoulders and turned her in to face him. He kissed her forehead, and she turned all the way towards him, sobbing into his shoulder. I walked out. 

The director shouted, "Cut!" and we all rushed off set for our lunch break. I rolled my eyes at Corey and Rowan, who were bumping into each other wildly. Peyton came over to me and linked his arm with mine. 

I skipped and pulled him along, trying to get to lunch as soon as humanly possible. Peyton just chuckled and ran behind me. 

We sat down at a table with Rowan and Corey, and I felt Peyton's hand brush mine. My stomach fluttered for some reason, but I reached back for his hand anyway. We held hands under the table. Rowan and Corey simultaneously gave us the same look. 

The look where they knew exactly what was going on.

"We know you guys are holding hands. What's up?" Rowan smirked, and Corey laughed mischievously. They were totally adorable. 

"Nothing. I-" Peyton dropped my hand, and I felt a blush creep up my cheeks like fire.

"There's nothing going on." I protested. "Don't worry about it. What about you two?"

"Absolutely nothing." Corey said confidently. Rowan looked a little hurt by this, but recovered quickly with a blinding smile. 

"Yep. Just friends. Nothing else. It's all the same. Nothing has changed-" Corey had to put a hand over her mouth. She was rambling, which we all knew she only did when she was lying. 

Peyton and I looked at each other and smiled. He stood up, and I followed, wrapping an arm around his waist.

Peyton POV

Sabrina wrapped her arm around my waist, and I could smell her perfume. A fresh scent, then it reminded me of my mother's rose gardens. I loved it. I could never forget it. 

She looked up into my eyes, and we walked outside. "Wanna try my skateboard?" She asked. I nodded, but didn't expect what she actually meant. 

She stood at the front of the skateboard, and pulled me on behind her. She was up against me, and it just felt right. I flushed, fortunate that she couldn't see me. 

Sabrina kicked off, and we started to go, moving slowly at first, then we went over a crack in the road and I fell off. She laughed, bent over. Her nose scrunched up when she laughed. It was adorable. I tickled her sides, which didn't help anything. 

"PEYTON!" She gasped between giggles. "STOP I CAN'T-" She was crying from laughing so hard, and she finally ran away. 

"Oh my gosh," She giggled a little more. "My sides-they hurt from laughing so much."

The director peeked out one of the doors, and spotted us. 

"Peyton! Sabrina! Lunch break was over fifteen minutes ago! Where'd you go?" He was not happy. 

We followed him inside sullenly. Rowan laughed as we came in, looking like scolded puppies. 

"Where were you guys?" Corey asked curiously. 

"Just...talking." I lied. They obviously didn't believe it, but they let it go. 

We started taping, but my mind wandered. I got all my lines in time, luckily, but the directors were still mad at us after we had finished the episode. 

I asked Sabrina if she wanted to go grab some dinner, and she agreed. We went to In-N-Out Burger, but she mostly ate fries. I took half of her burger and she ate the other half. 

We talked about school, our friends, family, and what we were doing for our break that we had from filming. 

Sabrina shivered a little as we sat outside, and I didn't even hesitate to give her my leather jacket. It was still warm, and it smelled like rain. 

She smiled at me gratefully, and I continued talking. 

"We were also planning on going snowboarding somewhere up north, maybe Washington, but the snowstorms up there ruined the trip, so we're staying here. You?"

"I'm just gonna you know, lay around, watch Netflix, eat food. Might have Rowan over for a sleepover or something."

I nodded, and I could tell she knew I was really paying attention and that I really cared. That was something that she probably hadn't seen in a guy before. 

I offered to walk her home, and she said okay. She kept my jacket on, and my arm around her shoulder helped me stay a little warmer too. 

We walked, talking the whole time, and I felt her phone buzz. She pulled it out and checked it. It was Rowan. She had posted a picture on snapchat of her and Corey. It was adorable. His messy hair was in her face, and he was laying next to her on the ground. They were holding hands. 

There was no caption, but she showed it to me. "Aww." I said, with a teasing tone in my voice. We took a quick picture and sent it to them saying, "You guys on a date or something?"

They sent back a picture faster than I thought they would have. It was captioned, "Nope. You guys totally are though. Sab's wearing your jacket." That was fair enough. We didn't respond. 

We got to Sabrina's house, and I hugged her tight. Her perfume was pleasingly intoxicating. I kissed her cheek quickly, then said goodnight and walked away. She waved, and threw me my jacket. I caught it swiftly, and she giggled a little. 

I waved one last time and walked into the dusk air. 

Yay that was better than I had expected. Something for all you Peybrina shippers. Love you guys.

Alli <3

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