5: Honey / Pine

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Corey POV

"Rowan...we need to talk about the kiss." She looked just as nervous as I felt. I didn't know how to talk to her about this. We had been through so much together, but I didn't know if I was ready to be in a relationship with her, especially if her parents wouldn't approve.

"Like a...define the relationship sort of thing?" She asked, one eyebrow arched in a confused expression. 

"Yeah, you could say that. See, Rowan, the thing is...I love you." She grinned wide. "But..." I continued, her face shadowed over. "I don't know how your parents would feel about us. And Peyton and Sabrina wouldn't be able to know. I don't know how many people we're going to have to lie to to be able to pull off this relationship."

She cut in. "-And you're worried the other cast members and your friends will make fun of you for dating a girl two and a half years younger. I knew it. I'm leaving." She had misunderstood.

"No." I grabbed her wrist gently and pulled her into my chest. "I don't want to date, then breakup and not be friends anymore. I want you to always be able to talk to me when you need to, and for us to hang out like family. I want your parents to always be comfortable with me, and I want you to always feel like you can tell my anything. I want us to stay friends, forever." I smiled a little, and she just looked at me in awe. 

"Wow Corey. I don't even know what to say. I love you too. And I feel the same way. Should we...try it for a little while and see how it goes?" She looked hopefully into my eyes.

"Sure." Rowan started to walk away to her dressing room. " And Rowan?"

"Yes, Corey?" I walked up to her, and pulled her close to me again. I kissed her deeply, then squeezed her hand comfortingly and let her walk away. 

I went back to my own dressing room and thought about us. About Rowan. I sat down at a piano that I saw. (We're gonna pretend he can play piano, okay?) I plinked a few notes, then started to sing a song I knew. 

Fell in love with a beautiful girl
And she still takes my breath away

I fell in love with the morning sun 
while the hours slipped away

Sometimes when I hear your name

A smile creeps on my face

And for some reason I can't explain
It's not ever out of place

'Cause I love you 
More than you think I do
And I love you

Now you don't want me to 
'Cause I love you
More than you think I do

I kept playing, and heard a knock at the door, telling the person to come in without caring who it was. 

Rowan walked in and came behind me, wrapping her arms around y shoulders and kissing me on the cheek. She started to sing the girl's part

You ran your finger down my back
And spelled out your name
While we lay on the soft warm ground

For a week and thirteen days

I fell in love with a beautiful boy 
And you still take my breath away

Then I sang.

When you left it was the end of the world
'Cause I never thought to say

After that, we sang together, finishing off the song. 

I love you
More than you think I do
I love you now you don't want me to

We laughed together, kissed again, then I asked something I thought I never would. 

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